Don't assume borrowing lots of money can make your startup fly, borrowing money in startup, why startups fail, reasons for startup failure, challenges in startup

Don’t assume that borrowing lots of money can make your startup fly!

Don’t assume that borrowing lots of money can make your startup fly: We know that funding is one of the most common reasons why a startup fails. This quote however highlights that apart from funding, there are several other challenges that a founder should navigate through. Funding is only a part of the problem solved. It gives you an opportunity to expand, but you ought to reach some requirements such as product market fit, customer agreements etc to make this viable.
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Don’t take too much advice:Feedback Vs Noise in Startup

Startup is hard work and the journey gets harder when you start presenting your idea to people. When we talked about assessing your startup idea, the first suggestion was to test the idea for feedback. When you go out to get feedback, unfortunately you don't always get useful feedback. As you grow your startup, you must get good at separating noise from feedback.
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The critical ingredient in a startup is getting off your butt!

Though it sounds a bit crass, the quote makes an important point about taking swift decisions in a startup. We always get caught up between strategy and acting fast. In most cases, it is also called being tactical. For a startup, both strategy and tactics go hand in hand. We are forced to take some decisions quickly and have little time to strategise about its wider impact. One may even argue that strategy is a challenge with a scale up rather than early stages of startup.
don't try to do everything by yourself, doing everything by yourself, delegating in a startup, building a startup team

Don’t try to do everything by yourself in a startup

In this article, I'll make a case for an entrepreneur not to do everything by themselves. Although the temptation is to save expense and bootstrap - it can turn out to be expensive in the long run. Not only that, but you also won't have the expertise to do a good enough job at it.
Freemium Model Pros and Cons, advantages of freemium

Freemium Model Pros and Cons for a startup

A brief discussion about the pros and cons of a freemium business model. In a product led company, it is similar to the product led growth model. The premise of these freemium models is value based selling. In this article, we will talk about the benefits and disadvantages of a freemium model for business.
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4 Factors in your Financial Projections in a startup

For an early stage startup, valuation is very difficult. The best way to do this is to find a competitor or a similar business. Make an assumption about a % of market capture to give you an idea for initial valuation. Ultimately your startup value is based on