3 Types of Exit Strategy for a startup founder

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As an entrepreneur in early stages, an exit strategy was the last thing on my mind. However, my experience with fundraising has taught me that I’ll need to think about this as a part of my business plan

3 Roadmap tools for a Startup in early stages

roadmap startup, startup roadmap tools

Roadmap tools for startup: In this article, we talk about a few roadmap tools that you can use as a startup. During the early stages of entrepreneurship, our primary focus was to bootstrap and save money. This naturally meant that we used some softwares that didn’t attract any additional costs or had a free trial option unto a certain number of users. I recall that our first ever roadmap was using powerpoint and excel. But they become inadequate soon. In this discussion ,we will talk about a few tools that you can use as a founder to build your roadmap.

Don’t take too much advice:Feedback Vs Noise in Startup

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Startup is hard work and the journey gets harder when you start presenting your idea to people. When we talked about assessing your startup idea, the first suggestion was to test the idea for feedback. When you go out to get feedback, unfortunately you don’t always get useful feedback. As you grow your startup, you must get good at separating noise from feedback.

Ideas are like rabbits, you just need a couple of them!

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Ideas are like rabbits: A startup is much more than an idea. Most literature tends to either romanticise the idea or grit of an entrepreneur. What if I told you that the truth was somewhere in the middle? I believe that the beauty of startups is in a great execution of an idea. The idea … Read more

Satisfier Dissatisfier prioritisation in Product Management

Satisfiers-dissatisfiers in product Management

In this article, I’ve adapted this model for prioritisation in product management. The use case of this discussion is: You have a list of requirements as a product manager. You’re now trying to prioritise items based on what gives most value in development.

6 Key Functions of Entrepreneur to build a startup

Functions of Entrepreneur, skills of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneur requirements, what does an Entrepreneur do

In this article, we talk about the various functions of entrepreneur in setting up and running a business. As you can imagine, the list of functions is innumerable, however, we can classify them under broad segments explored in this article.

Business Model and Product will follow if you have the right people

Business Model and Product will follow if you have the right people, People are the most important thing, Adam Neumann, Team building, team, Startup, founder, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, business, small business, innovation, leadership, startup quotes

It all starts with the right team. If you’ve led a team before, you already know that managing and leading a team is hard work. It is difficult even in a company where HR policies are established and good reward structures are in place. However, as a startup, you possess something magical that these companies and teams don’t.

6 Must-Have areas in business plan for startup

Business plan for startup: No matter what stage your business is in, the business plan is one of the most important assets. Looking back at my startup fundraising days – I can recall the number of times investors asked us multiple questions on it. Considering that it is the best asset you have as an entrepreneur, … Read more

Top 8 Entrepreneurial skills to build a successful startup

Entrepreneurial skills: In this article, we talk about key entrepreneurial skills required to create and manage a startup. As you already know, entrepreneurship has its own set of challenges and risks as opposed to an established business. In this article, we explore the key skills required to deal with the challenges of being an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial … Read more

5 Reassuring Reasons on Why you want to be an Entrepreneur

Reasons why you want to be an entrepreneur: As you know, entrepreneurship inherently has risks. Your business idea can either succeed or result in failure. However, there is an urge in entrepreneurship that makes you want to try. Key factors for the reasons why you want to be an entrepreneur are – Passion, desire to create … Read more