Importance of Role Model on Self Development

Much of what you become in life depends on whom you choose to admire and copy. Warren Buffet Much of today’s inspiration is on the importance of role model in your life. This article touches on the impact of choosing the right role model for you and highlights the necessary consciousness to choose one. Before … Read more

You Can’t Judge People Because They Sin Differently Than You!

You cant judge people, judging people, judging others, judging others quotes, inspirational quotes, judging others definition, judging personality

It happens unconsciously, yet a powerful way of massaging our own ego. It is scary if we try to understand the reasons why we try to do this. Hence, a powerful reminder about judging people because if we keep judging them, we have very little time to love them.

Do Not Judge me By My Successes, Judge By Failures

Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again

Meaning of Do Not Judge me by my Successes – Success has a bad habit of painting a rosy picture. And somehow we belong to a culture where failures are brutally criticised and successes hailed to glory. However, at the core of it – these are merely outcomes. The successes manifest as favourable ones while the failures don’t. Ultimately both success and failure have a message for us.

Don’t be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again!

Don't be embarrassed by your failures, Richard Branson failures quote, startup quotes failure, Every failure or feedback is a message, startup quotes, entrepreneurship quotes, richard branson quote, shame of failure, learning from failure, failure quotes, failure inspiration, failure is an opportunity to learn

Failures are hard to deal with. It is worse when you start worrying about your emotional connections to an outcome. The results will do enough to hurt us and make us feel sad. If we start worrying about letting ourselves or others down and move into the rabbit hole of an emotional conundrum, there’s no hope for success.

Right is right and wrong is wrong – William Penn

Right is right and wrong is wrong

Meaning and analysis of William Penn’s quote – right is right and wrong is wrong. It asks us to question our decisions before blindly following a group which might not know the right direction in the first place.

Failure will never overtake me – Og Mandino

Failure will never overtake me, determination quote, og mandino on determination, og mandino failure quote, failure quote, quotes, quote of the day, quote, inspiration, motivation, motivational quotes, motivational, motivational words, inspirational words, inspirational quotes, failure will never overtake me, failure quotes, inspirational quotes on failure

Determination_ Failure will never overtake me – Og Mandino : This quote talks about failures, spirit of determination and the strength in carrying along even when things go wrong. The human spirit is capable of amazing outomces, if we are determined enough, we can make these magical outcomes a reality in life

Keep Your Fears To Yourself – Robert Louis Stevenson

fears, keep fears to yourself, handling fears, fears in life,

Contrary to common beliefs – fears have a purpose. A problem shared might be a problem halved, but only if both people are working on the problem. A fear however doesn’t reduce by sharing. It can increase. Be careful while sharing your fears. As Robert Lous Stevenson says – keep your fears to yourself. Instead, share courage, optimism and help. These have a better way of giving you the desired results.

5 inspiring quotes from Gandhi

To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest - Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi, The father of our nation, the man behind the idea of non-violence, a person known for his indomitable will, determination, self-belief, values, morals, thoughts, actions and so much more has always been close to our hearts. I have been fond of his words, maybe because he had the strength to live most of them through his actions and that made a huge difference, both in his life and ours as well. Here is a collection of 5 best quotes from Gandhi and our thoughts on it. 

15 inspirational Aristotle Quotes for life wisdom

There is only one way to avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing and be nothing - Aristotle

This article is a collection of Aristotle quotes that talk about wisdom for our life. Normally you will find multiple pages of these quotes. In this article, we have limited this curation to only 15 of these quotes to give us some perspective and life wisdom

First step to getting things you want out of life

It all starts with a decision, focus and mindset to identify what we want and put our energies into these areas. We might call these decisions – focus or perseverance. But we’re constantly exposed to distraction and easy wins that derail us from our goals. The idea of having a focus area makes a significant difference in our approach to getting what we want out of life. Ultimately, it is a question of whether we get what we want deeply or are we settling for easier targets that seem more achievable.