Making mistakes is better than faking perfection

Making mistakes is better than faking perfection

Making mistakes is better than faking perfection: This quote is a beautiful reminder about the perils of perfection. It also opens a debate about progress vs perfection and why being perfect is bad. As much as I like the idea of perfection, it is stressful and unrealistic. The most important point is that it doesn't allow us to make mistakes and learn from them. The beauty of making mistakes is in learning from feedback and finding ways to move forward. It supports the idea of growth, not obsessing over mistakes and finding the strength to move forward.
Society is weird, they ask you to be yourself and yet judge you for it

12 Quotes on Society to reflect your Individuality

This article is a collection of quotes on society and the constant conflict with individuals. This collection represents 12 selected quotes and a brief analysis of their meaning. Society is nothing but an aggregate or a group of people. This group has its own values, thoughts and culture which influence your individuality.
Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again

Do Not Judge me By My Successes, Judge By Failures

Meaning of Do Not Judge me by my Successes - Success has a bad habit of painting a rosy picture. And somehow we belong to a culture where failures are brutally criticised and successes hailed to glory. However, at the core of it - these are merely outcomes. The successes manifest as favourable ones while the failures don't. Ultimately both success and failure have a message for us.