It Does Not Matter How Slowly you go as long as you don’t stop!

It Does Not Matter How Slowly you go as long as you don't stop - Confucius quotes

In this discussion, we tackle the quote – It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you keep going. Here, we discuss how best to use this quote for your benefit. Please join our discussion with your comments below

Failure will never overtake me – Og Mandino

Failure will never overtake me, determination quote, og mandino on determination, og mandino failure quote, failure quote, quotes, quote of the day, quote, inspiration, motivation, motivational quotes, motivational, motivational words, inspirational words, inspirational quotes, failure will never overtake me, failure quotes, inspirational quotes on failure

Determination_ Failure will never overtake me – Og Mandino : This quote talks about failures, spirit of determination and the strength in carrying along even when things go wrong. The human spirit is capable of amazing outomces, if we are determined enough, we can make these magical outcomes a reality in life

Everything We Hear Is An Opinion-Marcus Aurelius

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth

Everything we hear is an opinion: I love this quote because it makes me pause for a moment to think. Facts have a compelling way of influencing us and strengthening or weakening our opinions. However, are all facts reliable? Is there a possibility that some opinions are misrepresented as facts? This has more context in … Read more

The timing will never be Perfect, You Might as Well Start Now– Chris Voss

The timing will never be perfect: Perfection is a lie – no matter how good our situation is, life will always throw a surprise at us. In such a situation, our best bet is to use our circumstances for our benefit. In some ways, we have to prepare ourselves to be comfortable with the discomfort … Read more

Foolery, Sir, Does Walk About The Orb Like The Sun – Shakespeare

Shakespeare has his way with the words. They make us revere him in fascination. This quote – foolery sir does walk about the orb like the sun has a very clear meaning. I came across this quote in Stratford upon Avon on a recent visit and walking around the town. Maybe it was a secret … Read more

Never Regret yesterday, Life is in you today – L Ron Hubbard

never regret yesterday quote, regret quote, L Ron Hubbard quote on regret

This discussion explores a delightful quote on regrets and making the most of today. “Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today, and you make your tomorrow”. The quote touches upon the beauty of leading your everyday life to its fullest and making the most of every situation you get. Join our discussion with your comments below. We would love to hear from you.

How I Braved Anu Aunty and Found My Dream Career: A Must-Read for Every Youth

It’s not every day that you come across a book that leaves you thoroughly impressed, and “How I Braved Anu Aunty and Found My Dream Career” by Varun Agarwal does just that. From the very first page, the book managed to exceed my expectations with its fantastic flow and charming narrative.

Whether You Think You Can Or Can’t You’re Right!

The discussion centres around self-belief, self-doubts, and the strength you need to muster in order to defeat these doubts. It is also about building the art of self-confidence to keep moving forward. If you’re taking up challenges that are difficult, you’ll need to find a belief system to think beyond limitations.

Never be ashamed of a scar – 5 Meanings

Never be ashamed of a scar, meaning of scars in life, how to deal with scars, facing fears and failure, scar quotes

We all have something, a wound/scar which we might not be too proud of. They remind us of disappointment, hurt, failure and weakness. However, they also can remind us of strength, our fighting spirit and human nature. To an extent, it doesn’t even matter whether you won after you got the scar or not. In this debate, we talk about

Don’t be afraid of failure, Don’t abandon–Chanakya

Afraid of failure chanakya quote, chanakya quote fear of failure, failure quote chanakya, work sincerely chanakya

If we keep getting afraid of failure, we will never progress in life. Ultimately, this leads to a self-defeating cycle. Our success lies beyond the comfort zone. We ought to brave our challenges and dream big. This discussion talks about fear of failure, perseverance and the impact of consistency in your sincerity for work.