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Price is what you pay Value is what you get – Warren Buffet

This quote by Warren Buffett is one of his most famous. It highlights an important concept in investing: the difference between price and value. Price refers to what you pay for an asset, while value reflects the intrinsic worth of the asset. Value takes into account the asset's underlying fundamentals, such as its earnings potential or management quality. Essentially, value helps determine whether an asset is overpriced in relation to its true worth.
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What is a Small business entrepreneurship?

Small business entrepreneurship: In this article, we will discuss the meaning of small business entrepreneurship, and the differences between a startup and a small business. In the later stages of the article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of small business ownership. If you are an entrepreneur, this might act as a guide about the type of business you need to create. It will raise the question of whether you'd need to create a small business or a startup. It all comes down to what you want to do with your idea.
Manager vs entrepreneur, Manager and entrepreneur difference, Manager role vs entrepreneur role, Entrepreneurship vs management, Traits of managers and entrepreneurs, Manager responsibilities vs entrepreneur responsibilities, Characteristics of managers and entrepreneurs, Managerial skills vs entrepreneurial skills, Manager job description vs entrepreneur job description, Manager vs business owner, Management career vs entrepreneurship career, Managerial mindset vs entrepreneurial mindset

9 Differences Between Manager and Entrepreneur

In the dynamic world of business, two distinct yet interrelated roles stand out: the manager and the entrepreneur. While both contribute to an organization's success, they embody different approaches, responsibilities, and mindsets. Understanding the difference between a manager and an entrepreneur is essential for anyone navigating the realms of business and leadership
Types of startup funding, how to fund a startup, funding options, entrepreneur funding, funds for founders

5 Types of Startup Funding for new entrepreneurs

It is hard to run a startup without money. In this article, we talk about the types of funding opportunities available for startups. As we know, the number 1 reason why startups fails is lack of money. In this discussion, we highlight the various options you have as an entrepreneur to fund your startup. Apart from this, we also talk about the various stages of funding in the startup phase depending on the stage of your growth.
What is the meaning and definition of a micromanager - signs of a micromanager who makes you want to control every part of something and too detailed

5 Warning signs of a Micromanager

Good management is hard to find - but a micromanager immediately loses the battle restraining themselves. The discussion focuses on signs and effects of micromanagement.
How to build a startup with no money, starting a business with no money, startup without funds, no fund startup, no money startup

4 Methods, How to build a startup with no money?

Startups are hard work and more challenging when you have to invest your savings to make it work. Although investors like the idea of a founder investing their own money, I find the question of how to build a startup with no money more intriguing. It takes us back to the principles of bootstrapping and lean principles of starting with minimal resources or wastage. In this article, we will focus our thoughts on building a startup with zero investment, strategies and a few examples of types of startups with no money.
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The stars will never align,traffic lights will never be green!

The stars will never align, and the traffic lights of life will never all be green at the same time. The universe doesn’t conspire against you, but it doesn’t go out of its way to line up the pins either. Conditions are never perfect. ‘Someday’ is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you. Pro and con lists are just as bad. If it’s important to you and you want to do it ‘eventually,’ just do it and correct course along the way.