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Read more about the article People ignore design that ignores people-User Experience
People ignore design that ignores people!

People ignore design that ignores people-User Experience

In this article, we will focus on the meaning of this quote in the perspective of a startup environment. We're in the age of media transparency, ease of information dissemination. Companies don't operate in a bubble anymore. They're in the public purview now. How they behave with customers either ends up in a twitter or Facebook war. In fact, I'm sad that you usually get a quicker response on twitter than official email. This is how scared companies are of public response.

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Read more about the article 25 UX quotes for an entrepreneur to build user experience
Best UX quotes, user experience quotes

25 UX quotes for an entrepreneur to build user experience

UX Quotes: This article is a collection of my favourites quotes on user experience. You'll see about 25 user experience quotes int this collection as we chat through the importance of UX from a startup perspective. You can easily extend this to any business context, but you know that I can't resist the temptation to talk about these from an entrepreneur's perspective.

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Read more about the article 3 Key points on How to get funding for startup
Types of startup funding

3 Key points on How to get funding for startup

Startup funding is often a big deal because it not only conveys that someone believes in your idea but makes the business idea powerful. A small business can afford to be organic and wait whereas a startup thrives on quick growth and explosive development. As a founder, if you're focused on explosive growth, you need to find out the best way to fund your startup

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Read more about the article 5 strategic steps for your startup branding
Startup Branding strategy

5 strategic steps for your startup branding

We tend to associate brands to large companies. But startups and even individuals have our own brands. They come up in the form of consistent words, images and our communications that we use with people. A startup branding strategy is about creating this consistent engagement with your customers.

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Read more about the article 3 Roadmap tools for a Startup in early stages
Roadmap tools for startup (Source: Microsoft charting tools for Roadmap)

3 Roadmap tools for a Startup in early stages

Roadmap tools for startup: In this article, we talk about a few roadmap tools that you can use as a startup. During the early stages of entrepreneurship, our primary focus was to bootstrap and save money. This naturally meant that we used some softwares that didn't attract any additional costs or had a free trial option unto a certain number of users. I recall that our first ever roadmap was using powerpoint and excel. But they become inadequate soon. In this discussion ,we will talk about a few tools that you can use as a founder to build your roadmap.

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Read more about the article Money is like gasoline during a roadtrip!
“Money is like gasoline during a road trip. You don’t want to run out of gas on your trip, but you’re not doing a tour of gas stations.”

Money is like gasoline during a roadtrip!

This was a perspective I missed during our fundraising activities. How much is really enough for a startup during its fundraising stages? I'll admit that we never knew the right answer- sometimes it felt too much. At other times, it felt like we weren't asking enough. The question is - where do we draw a line and say - this is what we need for a certain stage of the startup?

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Read more about the article The world isn’t going to shower gold coins just because of a good idea
You must be very patient, very persistent. The world isnt going to shower gold coins on you just because you have a good idea. You’re going to have to work like crazy to bring that idea to the attention of people. They’re not going to buy it unless they know about it. Herb Kelleher, Founder of SouthWest Airlines

The world isn’t going to shower gold coins just because of a good idea

Good ideas are a bedrock of a startup. However, they're only a necessary - not sufficient conditioning of running a good startup. We've seen plenty of material around how good ideas change the world. Although it is true, ideas alone don't amount to anything.

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Read more about the article Do not focus on numbers, focus on what you do best
"Do not focus on numbers. Focus on doing what you do best. It’s about building a community who want to visit your site every day because you create value and offer expertise." -Cassey Ho, Founder of

Do not focus on numbers, focus on what you do best

This is a simple reminder from Cassey Ho, an entrepreneur, startup founder about focus on projections. Numbers are very exciting in a startup world, esp because you can see some quick changes. The results are often slow and painstaking, but just a reminder that it isn't all about numbers.

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