The only way to discover the limits of the possible

The only way to discover limits is to go beyond them to the impossible - Arthur C Clarke quotes

The only way to discover the limits of the possible meaning: I love these quotes that talk about what’s possible and impossible. You’ll meet a lot of realists in the world who’ll say that something you’re after is not possible. They may be right, but we have to remember that they’re limited by their own experiences. (Optimism vs realism)

All power is within you, Swami Vivekananda

All power is within you; you can do anything and everything. Believe in that, do not believe that you are weak; do not believe that you are half-crazy lunatics, as most of us do nowadays. You can do any thing and everything, without even the guidance of any one. Stand up and express the divinity within you

All power is within you: Whenever we find ourselves with reasons about why we can’t do something, we’ll need to think about this quote. There will be situations where we feel powerless and find ourselves in tough situations. But these situations pretend as if it is the end of the world. But there must be … Read more

You will never have time for anything – Charles Buxton

You will never have time for anything, If you want time, you must make it - Charles Buxton

You will never have time for anything: Time is not a given in our life. We don’t have an infinite amount of it. hence, it is essential to use it consciously and make clever decisions. This implies that we have to make time for the things that are important for us. Otherwise, the urgent things take over and leave us wondering. This is the essence of the quote by Charles Buxton – you will never have time for anything. It is up to you and me to make this time for what we want the most.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others – Mahatma Gandhi 

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others - Mahatma Gandhi quotes and meaning

This quote by Mahatma Gandhi talks about the social aspect of serving others and the personal aspect of finding your purpose. Finding purpose is a difficult question and many guides and coaches are working on it, it sometimes feels like a lost cause. Most guidance we receive about finding ourselves tends to be generic and unhelpful.

Inside The Mind of A Master Procrastinator

This is a beautiful Ted Talk by Tim Urban that talks about the power of procrastination. We’ve often referred to procrastination as a bad thing. The talk shows procrastination in a different light by connecting it to the power of creativity, building up thoughts in our minds in the background.

Time isn’t the main thing, it’s the only thing – Miles Davis

Time isn’t the main thing, it’s the only thing - Miles Davis

Time isn’t the main thing: Today’s inspiration is from a time management quote from Miles Davis. Not only is time the most evenly spread out resource in the world, but it is also the most scarce. In this article, we talk about the challenges of the paucity of time to ensure that we have enough opportunities for the most important things.

8 Powerful Time Management Quotes for students

time management quotes for students, time management quotes, inspiration about time management

Time Management Quotes for Students: This article is dedicated for students to making the best use of time. Apart from work, I recall that the most stressful times about managing time were during the early times of being a student. It is perhaps because our time management skills are at their inception and we get better at it with experience. The collection of quotes is curated for students to inspire, engage thoughts and spark different thoughts about how best to use limited time.

5 Key Strategies for Time Management and Stress Management

Time management is about making the best use of time. Stress management is about managing your emotional health, mental peace and performing without being overwhelmed. The two are connected because sometimes when things don’t go as per time, missed deadlines have an impact. These potential impacts immediately cause stress making us think about the ramifications of not doing things on time.

Top 5 Time Management Strategies to be smart about your time

We speak of time management as a mythical skill set. But at the core of it, time management is a simple exercise if we rationally follow a few strategies that help us be mindful of our time. It all starts with a brutally honest opinion about how our time is used and the knowledge of the things demanding our time. If we don’t have visibility of these things, there’s nothing to manage. Time management in such a scenario is a hoax. In this article, let’s talk about a few time management strategies that will help you stay on top of time and your priorities.

I alone cannot change the world Mother Teresa

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples - Mother Teresa

This quote talks to me about the simplicity and power of good thoughts and actions. One person may not be too big to make all the difference in the world. But one person can create a ripple effect by doing something that the rest of the world joins in. The beauty of this quote is not just in the humility Mother Teresa reflects in the quote. It is also about the belief in others and resonance that can create a ripple effect to cast a wide enough change for the world to revel in.