Risk more than others think is safe, care more than others think is wise, claude bissell quotes

Risk more than others think is safe – Claude Bissell

"Risk more than others think is safe" urges us to take calculated risks beyond conventional boundaries. It also encourages us to think about our own boundaries vs someone else's Embracing uncertainty and stepping out of one's comfort zone is essential for achieving significant success and growth. By daring to take bold risks, individuals open themselves up to new opportunities and the potential for remarkable achievements.
motivation vs inspiration, difference between inspiration and motivation, motivation inspiration differences

Extrinsic Motivation vs Intrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation is driven by external rewards, while intrinsic motivation is driven by internal satisfaction and enjoyment. Extrinsic motivation works well for short-term or one-off tasks but can be counterproductive in the long run, as it creates an expectation of rewards and can lead to demotivation. Intrinsic motivation is associated with positive outcomes like increased creativity, persistence, and overall well-being, while extrinsic motivation can undermine intrinsic motivation when rewards replace the enjoyment of the activity itself.
Theodore Roosevelt Quotes, inspirational quotes roosevelt, inspirational roosevelt quotes

12 Stirring Roosevelt Quotes to Push You into Action

Theodore Roosevelt Quotes: This article is a collection of inspirational quotes from Theodore Roosevelt. As a part of this article, we have a small intro section about who is Theodore Roosevelt and his inspiration. Followed by that, we will see a gallery of his quotes and a brief section explaining the meaning of these quotes.

Inspiring Forrest Gump Quotes to Live By

Forrest Gump quotes: Forrest Gump is a timeless classic that has captured the hearts of millions around the world. This movie is not only a source of entertainment but also provides us with valuable life lessons. One of the most memorable things about the movie is the quotes that have stood the test of time. Let's take a look at some of the best Forrest Gump quotes that can inspire us to live a better life.
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Keep Going even when it is Tough – Perseverance!

In the face of adversity, keep pushing forward. Tough times demand unwavering perseverance. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Each step, no matter how small, propels you closer to your goals. Stay focused, stay motivated, and continue moving forward. Trust your abilities and believe in the power of resilience.
success or failure quote, success and mental attitude quote, success and capacity quote, success and failure quote,

Success or failure is caused by Mental Attitude than capacity

Success Or Failure is caused by Mental Attitude: Our mental attitude plays a significant role in determining our success or failure in life. Although our circumstances and opportunities play a huge role - the attitude leaves its own mark. We can find opportunities in our challenges or vice versa. It is never easy, but I think our lives are filled with challenges. The best thing we can all do is to find the most effective route to achieve our goals in life.
being realistic quote and meaning, being realistic quote analysis, being realistic will smith quote meaning, being realistic will Smith

Being Realistic Is The Most Common Path To Mediocrity

This is a powerful quote by Will Smith talking about aspirations, fear and judgement. I recall hundreds of memories when I've been told to be realistic because my dreams sounded silly. Maybe they were trying to protect me or unfortunately projecting their fears onto me. But none of these things matter in the long run. The only way to move forward is question inquisitively and curiously about both limitations and aspirations.
never regret yesterday quote, regret quote, L Ron Hubbard quote on regret

Never Regret yesterday, Life is in you today – L Ron Hubbard

This discussion explores a delightful quote on regrets and making the most of today. "Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today, and you make your tomorrow". The quote touches upon the beauty of leading your everyday life to its fullest and making the most of every situation you get. Join our discussion with your comments below. We would love to hear from you.