Risk more than others think is safe – Claude Bissell

Risk more than others think is safe: What is the meaning of risk? Is it just an indication of danger or a blocker to prevent us from doing something? Risks have a powerful purpose of indicating what we might lose. However, some dreams are worth going beyond these risks. It is a personal decision, but as Claude Bissell says, risk more than what others think is safe. After all, they can’t think on your behalf.

In this debate, we talk about three aspects of this quote

  • Thinking beyond limitations to engage creativity, freedom of spirit
  • Moving away from the herd mentality and group thinking
  • Exploring life ahead of your comfort zone to fulfil your dreams

Risk more than others think is safe Meaning

3 point summary of the meaning of risk more than others think is safe:

  • “Risk more than others think is safe” urges us to take calculated risks beyond conventional boundaries. It also encourages us to think about our own boundaries vs someone else’s
  • Embracing uncertainty and stepping out of one’s comfort zone is essential for achieving significant success and growth.
  • By daring to take bold risks, individuals open themselves up to new opportunities and the potential for remarkable achievements.

We start with the assumption that risks, dreams and capabilities are personal. Our true capabilities come out only when we’re tested. I’m sure you can recall several examples where you have surprised yourself and felt amazed by your abilities. Doesn’t that make you question the validity of risk or what someone feels about your capabilities?

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Risk more than others think is safe

As we debate this quote, risk more than what others think – let’s focus on three things:

What is the meaning of risk?

Risk means a situation that exposes us to danger. It represents a scenario where you can be hurt or lose something. It is safe to say that risk means something that causes you pain and discomfort. Naturally, our first response is to avoid risk and protect ourselves.

However, Claude Bissel says a powerful quote – risk more than others think is safe. Sometimes we tend to overplay the effect of risk. The worst thing to happen is to play it so safe that we’re crippled to do anything that we dream of. Our life lies in the beautiful balance between risk, adventure and pushing beyond limitations. In this debate, we will try to uncover what it means to risk more than others think is safe.

Think beyond limitations

We create these boundaries for numerous reasons. The most important purpose of the boundary is to keep us safe. These boundaries are created over years of pain and hurtful experiences. But sometimes, these boundaries hold us back and don’t help us achieve our potential. Sometimes, we will need to take a hard look at ourselves and find out what’s holding us back. Fears serve a purpose of protecting us – but if they stop us from taking action, maybe we need to question the value of that fear.

Not every fear or limitation is useful – some of these can only serve as warning signals while some others as a distraction. As Kalam says, sometimes fears can be false evidence appearing real.

We don’t always know what our limitations are. I’ll call your attention to Richard Branson’s quote

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We are far more capable than we think. The risks, dangers and fears have a singular purpose of telling us what can go wrong. In fact, risks don’t tell us to avoid something, they ask us to protect ourselves. You can read more about this the meaning of fear and its purpose. Limitations indicate that your current abilities might not be able do achieve something. But, your abilities can change and grow to achieve your desires.

Stand out from the crowd

The crowd doesn’t need to define our fears and limitations. With due respect to the society that we belong to, we must ask objectively. Do their boundaries reflect the same as mine? Or is my journey different? The answer to this question defines what you do with the boundaries that are put in front of you. Remember, we can only risk more than others think is safe when we separate ourselves from this crowd. A crowd is valuable because it provides us safety. But safety needs to serve us in our life’s aspirations.

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It takes nothing to join the crowd but everything to stand alone – Hans F Hansen

The crowd asks us to follow the most commonly followed path. It is the least risky approach. The best part about this is that the crowd will always support you. But it is also the safest option. Standing away from the crowd demands courage and conviction.

Looking inward, the meaning of – risk more than what others think is safe is to appreciate that your journey is different from the crowd. It also means that you’ll have to be ready to fight your own battle to establish your standards.

Suggested Reading: Group thinking

Getting out of your comfort zone

Ultimately, nothing exciting happens in the comfort zone. A ship is always safe at the shore, but is that what it is built for? If we desire something deeply, it’s our duty to act on it. We will face challenges, but they can’t be an excuse to restrict our dreams. It will push us and make us question our thoughts. But this questioning is good because it helps us review our choices and even our values sometimes.

Life is not stagnant and neither are you. The only thing we have is the opportunity to continually grow or wither. The comfort zone sometimes makes us wither. We ought to continually find ways to keep moving forward. Life will expect us to get out of our comfort zone. I think we owe it to our dreams to do that.

Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise.

Claude Bissell

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