The greatest sin is to think yourself weak – Swami Vivekananda

The greatest sin is to think yourself weak: Whether we think we can or not – we are right. I suppose we can extend the same message to strength as well. Our strength is deeply connected to our belief and faith – if we manifest weakness, it permeates. The funny thing is – it is true for strength as well. Vivekananda articulates this beautifully in his quote – the greatest sin is to think yourself weak. It is a sin because we do the greatest disservice to our capabilities by thinking of ourselves weak. Strength begets strength and weakness as well.

The greatest sin is to think yourself weak

Swami Vivekananda

The greatest sin is to think yourself weak

You may argue that sin is a strong word to represent this. But think about this – if you think you are weak – will you take new risks and explore life? The odds are that the moment we encourage weakness of thought, we want to find security and safety. It pushes us to find a comfort zone and protect ourselves. In this mindset, we can neither help others, nor ourselves. We are forced to think in the fight vs flight mode leading to anxiety. This is indeed the greatest disservice we do our own souls or personalities.

The greatest sin is to think yourself weak Swami Vivekananda 1

Our weakness doesn’t lie in the outcomes of life – we all have some strengths and weaknesses. Our inner spirit guides us to work on these weaknesses and build our character. However, if we think ourselves weak, will we feel like taking up new challenges? How do we grow strong from this weakness. The only way I know or even have read about is by doing something about it. We can work on these weaknesses but we have to do that from a position of strength.

Weakness will push us to our knees and create a lie by telling us that we are not capable of taking care of our problems. But the truth is that we are capable of far more than that. So, before you believe in this lie or commit the sin of thinking yourself weak – pause and think about it logically. These are just your beliefs and you have more control on them than you think. So, pick a side that suits your purpose and take charge of your life. The greatest sin is to think yourself weak!

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