7 Key Reasons to investigate your Failure After Success

Failure after success: In this article, we identify the key steps which cause failure after success and vice versa. Through this, we provide a commentary on how to deal with failure and define the journey of success. Here, we talk about success being a journey rather than a single outcome. While exploring these key elements … Read more

It’s Good To Have Hope But You Better Have A Plan

The phrase “It’s good to have hope, but you better have a plan” suggests that while hope is essential for optimism and positive thinking, it is not enough on its own. Merely wishing for things to happen without taking action or having a well-thought-out plan may lead to disappointment or inaction. It emphasizes the importance of combining hope with practicality and strategic thinking. Having a concrete plan, setting clear goals, and taking steps towards achieving them increases the likelihood of turning hopes and dreams into reality. In essence, the quote encourages the balance between hopeful optimism and proactive planning to create a path towards success and fulfillment.

Personality Development : 10 Things To Give Up To Move Forward

There is one constant beauty in LIFE, the idea of moving forward, the thought of growth, the pleasure of increased opportunities and the improvement in the quality of our life. However in all of our lives, there are those incidents which pull us back, which make us question ourselves, which make us think whether we … Read more

How to know the purpose of your life in 5 mins!

How to know the purpose of your life in 5 mins! Adam Leipzig: The CEO of Entertainment media partners, a theatre person, a former disney executive and also president of NGC talks about happiness, where it lies and how to identify the purpose of life. It doesn’t really take more than 5 mins to get … Read more

Ariana Huffington, TED Talk: Sleep your way to the top ;)

Ariana Huffington, TED Talk: Sleep your way to the top ;) Pun intended of course. Here is a very interesting talk by Ariana Huffington, where she talks about the importance of SLEEP. And also explains the pun a bit as well ;). Do have a look, it is a short 4:43 min video and I can … Read more

Please Make Mistakes

I love perfectionists! Perhaps the reason being that at some point of time I was trying so desperately to be one. “A life without mistakes” seemed to be the mantra, the one word which I wanted to define myself for. And truth be told – I felt I really succeeded, the marks were good, parents … Read more

We are what we wish to become

Past is a beautiful thing, it has shaped us all along, taught us a few lessons some very exciting, some quite painful and some reflective and a lot more in its journey with us. Above all, it has shaped us, made us the beautiful people we are today. And whether things could have been better … Read more

Stop worrying about what others think

I guess as the society sees a man grow, there are a lot of expectations from him, maybe in the way he behaves, the type of people he interacts with, the demeanor and the way it expects you to be. I don’t blame the society, it is also doing its innocent job of trying to … Read more