Don’t assume that borrowing lots of money can make your startup fly!

Don't assume borrowing lots of money can make your startup fly, borrowing money in startup, why startups fail, reasons for startup failure, challenges in startup

Don’t assume that borrowing lots of money can make your startup fly: We know that funding is one of the most common reasons why a startup fails. This quote however highlights that apart from funding, there are several other challenges that a founder should navigate through. Funding is only a part of the problem solved. It gives you an opportunity to expand, but you ought to reach some requirements such as product market fit, customer agreements etc to make this viable.

Ideas are like rabbits, you just need a couple of them!

ideas are like rabbits, idea quotes, quotes about generating ideas, creativity quotes

Ideas are like rabbits: A startup is much more than an idea. Most literature tends to either romanticise the idea or grit of an entrepreneur. What if I told you that the truth was somewhere in the middle? I believe that the beauty of startups is in a great execution of an idea. The idea … Read more

Don’t try to do everything by yourself in a startup

don't try to do everything by yourself, doing everything by yourself, delegating in a startup, building a startup team

In this article, I’ll make a case for an entrepreneur not to do everything by themselves. Although the temptation is to save expense and bootstrap – it can turn out to be expensive in the long run. Not only that, but you also won’t have the expertise to do a good enough job at it.

You have to get good at ceding control in a Startup!

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You have to get good at ceding control and not taking things personally. Even seasoned entrepreneurs have struggled with that. I think it’s about not taking failures personally and also not taking successes personally

6 Key Functions of Entrepreneur to build a startup

Functions of Entrepreneur, skills of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneur requirements, what does an Entrepreneur do

In this article, we talk about the various functions of entrepreneur in setting up and running a business. As you can imagine, the list of functions is innumerable, however, we can classify them under broad segments explored in this article.

You’ve got to ignore the hype of startups and Focus

The moment I type in startups in google, I can see hundreds of articles about successful billionaires, fancy jets and massive fund raises. Very little is said about how many of these are real and the how many hypothesized. Regardless, it does provide us with an excitement and much needed energy to pursue the dream of a startup.

Chase the vision not the money, Money will follow you!

chase the vision not the money

Although the thought of money is exciting, I believe a startup is probably the least lucrative way of achieving this goal. There ought to be lots of better avenues to make money such as a job, freelancing, side hustle and even investments. These still give you better chance at making money than a startup where the risk of failure is immense.

I can name dozens of failures, but we always found a way!

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One of the most popular approaches is – Fail fast, fail cheap! In other words, focus on minimal waste approaches to try and deliver the best outcome for you

6 Must-Have areas in business plan for startup

Business plan for startup: No matter what stage your business is in, the business plan is one of the most important assets. Looking back at my startup fundraising days – I can recall the number of times investors asked us multiple questions on it. Considering that it is the best asset you have as an entrepreneur, … Read more