Importance of Role Model on Self Development

Much of what you become in life depends on whom you choose to admire and copy. Warren Buffet Much of today’s inspiration is on the importance of role model in your life. This article touches on the impact of choosing the right role model for you and highlights the necessary consciousness to choose one. Before … Read more

To live in the present moment is a miracle

To live in the present moment is a miracle. The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth in the present moment, to appreciate the peace and beauty that are available now.

Do we stop to consider – are we living every moment of our life with concentration and deriving joy from all these actions without feeling rushed or pressured? Of course, there will be distractions to take us away – these can be goals, pressures and work deadlines. But at each fleeting moment, this time we have is gone and left us. The least we can do is to make the best out of it.

8 Time Management Skills to Increase Productivity

Reflection on key time management skills which enable us to focus on the things that matter the most to us and steer away from distractions. Ultimately our time must serve us rather than adding or creating pressure on a consistent basis.

Time Management is Life Management – Brief Analysis

Time management is life management, why is time management important, what is life management, time management work life balance

Time management is life management talks about two important aspects- productivity and identifying things that are most important in our life. It is a stark reminder not to major in minor things of life

3 Key Parameters on Challenges for Success

Today’s inspiration is about the power of challenges and restrictions that stand in the way of your success. I do recall the number of times we talk about restrictions, short comings and limitations as a negative phenomenon. Do we stop and consider what they might actually be provoking us with?  Here is a brilliant Ted … Read more

Oh yes! I was Embarrassed!

Few days ago I was working-out in gym with the Rocky Balboa song playing. With all the energy I kept on cycling, something went wrong with the peddle; soon I was on a floor. Yes I fell down :D I was embarrassed. I woke up making sure not to make an eye contact with others … Read more