Attitude of Gratitude, Thank You – Brian Tracy

brian tracy, atttiude of gratitude, thank you, gratitude, quotes, quote of the day, quote, inspiration, motivation, motivational quotes, motivational, motivational words, inspirational words, inspirational quotes,

An attitude of gratitude – that has a very nice ring to it. Brian Tracy says: 

“Develop An ‘Attitude Of Gratitude’. Say Thank You To Everyone You Meet For Everything They Do For You.” –  Brian Tracy
As always, we love to tear apart a quote and try to understand how it impacts us. Today’s selection is the inspirational words from Brian Tracy about the attitude of gratitude and the power of Thank you.

Visualisation: Imagine your life is perfect-Brian Tracy

brian tracy visualisation, imagine your life is perfect in every way, quotes, quote of the day, quote, inspiration, motivation, motivational quotes, motivational, motivational words, inspirational words, inspirational quotes,

We talk a lot about visualisation, imagining and defining an ideal life. We love striving for a higher standard in life. Our lives are way too precious to settle for something smaller and naturally there is a constant strive to do more and be more. On this note, our quote of the day is from Brian Tracy

Imagine Your Life Is Perfect, In Every Respect; What Would It Look Like?”

– Brian Tracy

For Every Reason it’s not possible – Jack Canfield, Quotes 101

for every reason its not possible meaning, not possible quotes inspiration, inspirational quotes not possible, reasons for failure inspiration, reasons for not possible quote and meaning

As the love for quotes continues today’s discussion is on Jack Canfield’s motivational thought “For Every Reason It’s Not Possible, There Are Hundreds Of People Who Have Faced The Same Circumstances And Succeeded.” We are constantly presented with challenges which make us question the ability to succeed. Circumstances and challenges are inevitable, how we deal with them makes the only difference that counts. Join us on this discussion to explore the meaning of this quote and how it impacts you.

Goals should never be easy! – Michael Phelps

goals should never be easy, micheal phelps goals quote, setting goals, failing and perseverance, setting high standards

Of the many fascinating quotes, Michael Phelps’ one presents us with a beauty on goals – “I Think Goals Should Never Be Easy, They Should Force You To Work, Even If They Are Uncomfortable At The Time”. We have always been fascinated about goals, dreams and what they do to our psyche. This discussion elaborates the impact of a tough goal which can make you work your ass off. There is a beauty in something that challenges you at each note. One such note is this – Goals should never be easy!

You can’t cross the sea merely by standing- Rabindranath Tagore

you can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water, you cant cross the sea quote, Rabindranath tagore quote crossing the sea, taking actions on your dreams quote

Continuing our discussions on quotes, today we present a quote by Rabindranath Tagore – “You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water”. This quote and its debate touches upon aspects of making a start, importance of immediate, measurable actions to support your longstanding journey of achieving your dreams. Please join this discussion with your thoughts and comments below.

To hell with circumstances, I create Opportunities – Bruce Lee

bruce lee circumstances, to hell with circumstances i create opportunities quote, bruce lee quote opportunities, bruce lee to hell with circumstances

The discussion centres around opportunities, challenges and getting over things that stand in your way. On that note, we present the quote from Bruce Lee “To hell with circumstances, I create Opportunities”. Join our discussion with your comments, we look forward to listening to what you think

A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve – Ayn Rand

Ayn rand quote, Motivated by the desire to achieve, ayn rand achievement quote, ayn rand creative qutoe

This discussion explores Ayn Rand’s quote ” A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others”. Here, we touch upon factors of motivation, inspiration, desperation with achievement at its centre. While we explore this Ayn Rand’s quote, we would love to hear your thoughts. Join our discussion with your comments below.

If you believe it will work out , you will see opportunities – Wayne Dyer

if you believe in opportunities wayne dyer, if you believe in obstacles wayne dyer, belief quote wayne dyer,

As we discuss this quote “If you believe it will work out, you will see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you will see obstacles” by Wayne Dyer, we touch upon factors of self belief, fear of failure and perseverance to make your dreams come true. Join our discussion with your comments and experiences below. … Read more

Our greatest glory is not in never falling – Confucius

our greatest glory is not in never falling, failure meaning and quote, rising every time we fall , confucius quote on never falling

Today’s discussion circles around the quote “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall” by Confucius. In this topic, we touch upon failure, resilience and sheer internal strength which keeps you pushing towards the goal. Join our discussion with your thoughts and experiences to enrich this conversation

Mistakes or Opportunities?!

The Unhelpful thought I have constantly battled this thought in my mind about a mistake and its underlying opportunity. I’ve been one of the most conscious people at times and wondered if people are watching me; just to see if I make a mistake – talk about being narcissistic :D. If they are, what are … Read more