Happiness is not a goal, it’s a by-product of a life well lived

Happiness is not a goal, it's a by-product of a life well lived - Eleanor Roosevelt's Quotes

Happiness is not a goal: I think we have it the wrong way around when we say happiness is a goal in life. If you look long enough, you realise that happiness is elusive. We have better luck finding joy. So, I’d argue that this chase of happiness is not only elusive but a foolish pursuit. We find joy in the things we do, face them in the moment and create memories and narratives around them. In other words, what we face as joy in the current moment ends up being a definition of happiness in some cases. In this case, the quote from Eleanor Roosevelt makes us pause and ask a question about happiness. Is happiness truly the goal of life and if so how do we realise it?

Great minds discuss ideas – Eleanor Roosevelt

Great minds discuss ideas, Average minds discuss events, Small minds discuss people - Eleanor Roosevelt's Quotes

Great minds discuss ideas: It is rather a powerful quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that reminds us of the temptation of gossip and talking about people. As tempting as it is to talk about other people, ideas are more powerful. It is these ideas that rule the world, make changes and question us. These ideas have a powerful way of becoming reality and changing our world. Unless we immerse ourselves in the beauty of these ideas, we’ll remain stuck in the pettiness of distractions.

Faith Is Taking The First Step When You Don’t See the whole staircase

martin luther king staircase quote, faith is taking the first step even when you don t see the whole staircase, mlk staircase quote, mlk faith is taking the first step,martin luther king jr staircase quote, martin luther king faith is taking the first step

Faith is taking the first step: Faith is a hard thing, right? It asks us to trust in something without seeing the results or proof of it working our way. Yet, we are expected to believe in it without adequate proof. Whether it is a question of religion, confidence or belief in our abilities, this question will remain the same. The answer however is not in having the results but the trust to make it work. And that’s precisely why faith is hard and so many of us lose it along the way. The truth is, sometimes it is important to lose this faith only to find a new one. Everything renews, including the definition of who we are, and what we trust and believe in.

3 Rules to deal with Not Having Enough Time?

Not Having Enough Time: We are always busy – too many things clamouring for attention. This makes managing time and stress very difficult. However, it is a pertinent problem – big enough to ensure that we must do something about it. Or else we constantly run a risk of being overwhelmed, stressed and not having enough time for the things that we want to do.

4D’s of time management for prioritisation

4 d's of time management, time management, how to manage time, using time effectively, time management tips, time prioritisation techniques

In today’s article, we will talk about the 4 d’s of time management and how to use them to prioritise time. The main item of discussion in 4 Ds is whether a task needs delegation. Delegation in effect conflicts with the feeling of control and micromanagement. However, in this article, we will talk about the types of prioritisation models we can follow to make the best use of our time. In addition, I’d always route us back to some time management skills that will help us increase productivity.

Do what you can with what you have –Theodore Roosevelt

Do what you can with what you have , theodore roosevelt quotes, do what you can, facing challenges quote, life is about moving forward, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes

In this article, we debate the meaning of – do what you can with what you have, where you are. This quote inspires us to think beyond limitations and challenges. The meaning of this quote lies in understanding the opportunities in limitations.

Life is either a daring adventure Or Nothing at all– Helen Keller

life is a daring adventure, taking risky decisions in life, uncertainty in life, security is a superstition, helen keller life is either a daring adventure or nothing

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing: This is one of the most popular quotes by Helen Keller. This quote talks about the myth of security. Through this quote, Helen Keller asks us to take a bold approach to facing risks and bold challenges. Sometimes, we fear losing what we have when we try to take risks. However, the only way to keep moving forward is to take these risks and push life forward.

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard!

hard work beats talent quote, hard work quote tim notke, hard work beats talent meaning, work hard quote tim notke

“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard”. The talk is about the power of hard work, perseverance and grit through difficult circumstances. It conflicts with the question of when to give up. Although the traditional answer would say – never give up, we ought to learn and identify when something no longer makes sense to us. However, if you still feel passionate about something and that deserves a chance – hard work surely paves a way for the future.

Dreams are not those which come while sleeping – Abdul Kalam

Dreams are not those which come while we are sleeping - Quotes by APJ Abdul kalam on dreams

Dreams are not those which come while sleeping: Today’s inspiration is a brilliant quote from Abdul Kalam about dreams. As you know by now, I get carried away by quotes about dreams and passion. Abdul Kalam’s quotes consistently seem to have that effect on me.

You Are Never Too Old To Set Goals – C.S. Lewis

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Further to our inspirational quotes series, today’s motivation is C.S. Lewis’ quote, “You Are Never Too Old To Set Another Goal Or To Dream A New Dream”. I have told this reason to myself over a hundred times – I am too old to set goals, face a failure, to run as much as I used to or wake up early. Amongst these rationalisations, there is a real need which surfaces which makes us aware of our priorities. With deep respect to these priorities and our abilities to go beyond reasons, we start to unearth the meaning of this quote by C.S.Lewis.