Every pain gives a lesson and every lesson changes a person

every pain gives a lesson and every lesson changes a person, every pain gives a lesson, every pain gives a lesson meaning, abdul kalam pain quote, pain and suffering quotes, pain quote, quotes on pain, quotes on lesson, life quotes, inspirational quotes

Every pain gives a lesson and every lesson changes a person: We often ignore pain and distract ourselves from facing it. It is never nice to feel this pain – a distraction however gives us an easy, quick route to stop feeling this pain. Distractions can help in the short term, but they fail us with time. I love this quote by Abdul Kalam because it talks about the importance of pain, lessons it imparts and finally leads us to the point of self-reliance which enables us to take charge and do something about the pain.

I don’t believe in taking right decisions – Ratan Tata

I don’t believe in taking right decisions, I take decisions and then make them right - Ratan Tata

I don’t believe in taking right decisions: A fabulous inspirational quote by Ratan Tata talks about decisions in life and how we sometimes can get hung up in the notion of perfection. No decision will ever be perfect, we will always have something or the other to lose. The main point to remember in decision-making is the affordable loss. And most times, we don’t consider time lost in making decisions.

Until The Lion Learns How To Write, Every Story Will Glorify The Hunter

quote of the day, inspirational quotes, meaningful quotes, inspire99 quotes

Until the lion learns how to write: History is always written by the winner. Whether it is the hunter or the winner of wars – the story that sells the most is the one by the winner. If you think of this logically, the winner will always hold sway in telling the story. If the winner is powerful enough, then the stories that are written by the loser will be destroyed. In other words – the winner’s words hold more value than the victim’s. Or atleast that used to be the case before the world of social media.

14 Abdul Kalam Quotes for inspiration to follow your dreams

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Abdul Kalam Inspirational Quotes: I’ve always loved the words of inspiration from Abdul Kalam. They have a sense of unbridled optimism in them. There’s a force that says, I will brave all the odds and reach my destiny. It not only fills me with hope but also inspires me to get out of the self-pity and do something about my situation.

Only the guy who isn’t rowing has time to rock the boat!

Only the guy who isn't rowing has time to rock the boat,rocking the boat quote,inspirational quote idle brain,idle brain quote, quote analysis rocking the boat,quote analysis idle brain, inspirational quotes,motivational quote, quote of the day,meaning of the quote rocking the boat

This quote is a powerful reminder to get on with our lives and mind our business. If our minds are busy, there’s no time for nonsense. We focus on rowing the boat and moving ahead with our tasks. it also talks about the power of concentration and how important it is to focus on what we do. the moment we lose it, the mind runs haywire and it is hard to reign it back in. There are elements of controlling the mind. But the main message I’d focus on is being busy and minding our business.

Where Your Fear is There is your Task – Carl Jung

Where your fear is, there is your task!

Where your fear is there is your task: Fear is powerful. It can either debilitate us completely and sometimes even paralyse us. But the beauty of fear is that even though it’s got that capability, it can vanish into the thin air. Even more beautiful is the point that you and I can do this by refocusing our energies and listening, leaning into what this fear is telling us.

Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it

Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it - Mahatma Gandhi

Whatever you do may seem insignificant: There’s no such thing as a small job. We must do this because how we do it sometimes matters more than just the what. If you look at it from an external perspective, we can argue that all jobs are menial. It is only when we compare what we do to someone else, that the question of worth comes into play. Each job or work has its significance, value and importance in its own right. The world cannot function without each of us playing our roles.

Don’t compare your beginning to Someone else’s middle

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Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle: This is such a simple thing but we keep making this mistake over and over. Comparison is one of the biggest challenges in our generation, only because it is so hard not to compare. Our social media constantly bombards us with information about someone else leading a better life and immediately we start questioning why we don’t have it. Jealousy is one thing – it tells us what we want. But this causes envy, leaving us with a pang of paying to say that our life is not good enough.

8 Powerful Time Management Quotes for students

time management quotes for students, time management quotes, inspiration about time management

Time Management Quotes for Students: This article is dedicated for students to making the best use of time. Apart from work, I recall that the most stressful times about managing time were during the early times of being a student. It is perhaps because our time management skills are at their inception and we get better at it with experience. The collection of quotes is curated for students to inspire, engage thoughts and spark different thoughts about how best to use limited time.

People will forget what you said-Maya Angelou

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel - Maya Angelou

People will forget what you said: This article is a short debate on the meaning of Maya Angelou’s quote, People will forget what you said. This quote can be used in the context of networking, relationship building or being empathetic to people. Most often communication is misquoted to be about words. The danger however is that people forget that communication is with a purpose. If you’re too focused on delivery, then you miss its impact.