motivational quote

Failure is a detour, not a dead end street - Zig Zaglar quote on failure

Failure is a detour, not a dead end street – Zig Zaglar

Most times, we curse our failures as the worst thing that could have happened. If we look back at all the worst things that have happened in our lives, I’m sure they’ve all led you to where you are today. Some of these failures have been so powerful that they’ve gone on to define the wonderful life that we lead today.

When I discover who I am I'll be free, discover who I am, being free, be yourself quote, be yourself inspiration, inspiration, inspirational words, quote of the day, quote analysis, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, motivational words, daily quote, life quotes, life advice,

When I discover who I am, I’ll be free – Ralph Ellison

When I discover who I am: In today’s quote, we analyse the beautiful one by Ralph Ellison – When I discover who I am, I’ll be free. This quote analysis focuses on defining who you are – identifying your core values and discovering yourself. Not long ago, we talked about – The biggest challenge in life

Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it!

Wrong is wrong! – A beautiful slice of motivation from The Success Club as I was looking through my Instagram feed today. These motivational words of the day are a message towards being respectful to your thoughts and values. In this article, we discuss the power of believing in your thoughts, listening to your emotions.

Eye Contact: Please, Can I Wear My Sunglasses?

Eye Contact: On a sweltering hot day, with the sun at its peak, I was out with 2 of my guests from a different country, walking around the city. Imagine, If an Indian describes weather to be very hot, what would a person from the west describe it as? It was far easy for me

If only life was as simple as our plan!

If only life was as simple as our plan: It was a nice breather to come across this picture on FB, found it quite funny and very witty at the same time. I guess perhaps this is one of the best ways to represent a plan and its execution! Being good at planning I am

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