Crowdfunding for Entrepreneurs, Small Business and Founders


Funding is one of the biggest constraints in running a business. In fact, lack of funds is the number one reason why most businesses fail. In this article, we talk about the power of crowdfunding to run a business. As the name explains, crowdfunding is about asking money from people to develop a business. It prevents you from going to specific investors and instead create an opportunity to put your idea out in the public domain.

Social Media Marketing Strategies That Work

Social media marketing is a strategy that businesses use to promote their products or services through various social media platforms. It can help increase brand awareness, reach new audiences, and drive sales. Having a plan in place can help a business effectively use social media to achieve its marketing goals. Social media marketing involves creating … Read more

5 strategic steps for your startup branding

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We tend to associate brands to large companies. But startups and even individuals have our own brands. They come up in the form of consistent words, images and our communications that we use with people. A startup branding strategy is about creating this consistent engagement with your customers.