Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment

Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory - Mahatma Gandhi Quotes. Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment: Success and failure is all about the results - this is what most of us are taught to believe. I can see the logic in this because success comes with results and accolades that help us recognise a victory. This quote by Mahatma Gandhi talks about the effort involved in achieving success. Some of our successes can sometimes be fluke events. Although they give us the results, the satisfaction derived from them is small and in some cases disappointing. This quote brings the focus back to the effort involved and the satisfaction derived from this effort.

Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment: Success and failure is all about the results – this is what most of us are taught to believe. I can see the logic in this because success comes with results and accolades that help us recognise a victory. This quote by Mahatma Gandhi talks about the effort involved in achieving success. Some of our successes can sometimes be fluke events. Although they give us the results, the satisfaction derived from them is small and in some cases disappointing. This quote brings the focus back to the effort involved and the satisfaction derived from this effort.

What you’re thinking is what you’re becoming – Muhammad Ali

What you are thinking is what you are becoming quote from Muhammad Ali

What you’re thinking is what you’re becoming: We are never a finished product – instead, we’re in the constant process of becoming. These thoughts however are extremely powerful. If we ignore them, easily poisonous thoughts such as doubts, lies and disbelief will start pestering us. The best thing we can do is to be aware of these thoughts, what they are trying to tell us and think of the best ways to indulge in them.

Suffering is the essence of Success – Abdul Kalam

Suffering is the essence of success - Abdul Kalam Motivational Quotes. Suffering is the essence of success: I'm conflicted while talking about this quote. Although I appreciate what Abdul Kalam says about suffering i.e. hard work, perseverance and facing disappointments, I'm also against suffering as a precondition for success. Our journey should be fun because it isn't the results that matter in the end. It is about the journey we take and how we feel about the journey in the long run. Let's read on more to talk about this inspirational quote from Abdul Kalam

Suffering is the essence of success: I’m conflicted about this quote. Although I appreciate what Abdul Kalam says about suffering i.e. hard work, perseverance and facing disappointments, I’m also against suffering as a precondition for success. Our journey should be fun because it isn’t the results that matter in the end. It is about the journey we take and how we feel about it in the long run. Let’s read on more to talk about this inspirational quote from Abdul Kalam

To be a great champion you must believe you are the best- Muhammad Ali

To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If you're not, pretend you are - Mohammad Ali. To be a great champion, you must believe you are the best: It all starts from a thread of belief. Unless we believe in ourselves, there's very little chance of success in life. And even if we succeed without belief, we won't be able to enjoy it because we end up attributing success to factors such as luck etc. Being a champion is a mindset. We all have unique abilities- let's call that our leverage. If we compare ourselves to anyone, there will be areas of strength and weaknesses. The beauty is when we can use these strengths or leverage to create a path of victory for ourselves.

To be a great champion, you must believe you are the best: It all starts from a thread of belief. Unless we believe in ourselves, there’s very little chance of success in life. And even if we succeed without belief, we won’t be able to enjoy it because we end up attributing success to factors such as luck etc. Being a champion is a mindset. We all have unique abilities- let’s call that our leverage. If we compare ourselves to anyone, there will be areas of strength and weakness. The beauty is when we can use these strengths or leverage to create a path of victory for ourselves.

The Future Belongs to Those Who Believe in the Beauty of Their Dreams

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams - Eleanor Roosevelt's Quotes - The future belongs to the ones who dream: Our dreams are constantly shattered by the limitations of reality. I've always been an ardent fan of thoughts on dreams. They make us think beyond what we have and engage, inspire a desire to do something better. In a way, these dreams get us out of our limitations and move to a world beyond these where things are possible. Such is the beauty of dreams. Another inspiring aspect of these dreams is that they don't stop. They find a way to pester us until we do something about it. As Eleanor Roosevelt says, reality keeps us grounded in the world as is. But the future belongs to the people who show the courage to dream. For, it is these dreams that create a version of the reality for tomorrow.

The future belongs to the ones who dream: Our dreams are constantly shattered by the limitations of reality. I’ve always been an ardent fan of thoughts on dreams. They make us think beyond what we have and engage, inspire a desire to do something better. In a way, these dreams get us out of our limitations and move to a world beyond these where things are possible. Such is the beauty of dreams. Another inspiring aspect of these dreams is that they don’t stop. They find a way to pester us until we do something about it. As Eleanor Roosevelt says, reality keeps us grounded in the world as is. But the future belongs to the people who show the courage to dream. For, it is these dreams that create a version of the reality for tomorrow.

Efficiency is doing things right effectiveness is doing the right things

Efficiency is doing things right Effectiveness is doing right things quote by Peter drucker - Efficiency is doing things right: It's not just important to use our time wisely to become productive. It is most important to ensure that we are spending our time on the right things. This quote by Peter Drucker beautifully talks about the difference between efficiency and effectiveness. It is so easy to get caught up in the idea of being productive with time. However, effectiveness asks us to step out of this biased thinking. It forces us to look at the big picture and ask whether we are compromising effectiveness for the sake of efficiency.

Efficiency is doing things right: It’s not just important to use our time wisely to become productive. It is most important to ensure that we are spending our time on the right things. This quote by Peter Drucker beautifully talks about the difference between efficiency and effectiveness. It is so easy to get caught up in the idea of being productive with time. However, effectiveness asks us to step out of this biased thinking. It forces us to look at the big picture and ask whether we are compromising effectiveness for the sake of efficiency.

The key is in not spending time, but in investing it – Stephen Covey

The key is in not spending time, but in investing it - Stephen Covey Time is lost, even before we start thinking about it. Unfortunately, most times we don't treat time with the same respect because something else takes priority. This quote by Stephen Covey, makes us pause and rethink about time as an investment for the future. As much as I like the idea of investing time in the future, I'm conflicted with the thought that disregards the present and treats it as a tool for the future.

The key is in not spending time: Time is lost, even before we start thinking about it. Unfortunately, most times we don’t treat time with the same respect because something else takes priority. This quote by Stephen Covey, makes us pause and rethink about time as an investment for the future. As much as I like the idea of investing time in the future, I’m conflicted with the thought that disregards the present and treats it as a tool for the future.

Happiness is not a goal, it’s a by-product of a life well lived

Happiness is not a goal, it's a by-product of a life well lived - Eleanor Roosevelt's Quotes

Happiness is not a goal: I think we have it the wrong way around when we say happiness is a goal in life. If you look long enough, you realise that happiness is elusive. We have better luck finding joy. So, I’d argue that this chase of happiness is not only elusive but a foolish pursuit. We find joy in the things we do, face them in the moment and create memories and narratives around them. In other words, what we face as joy in the current moment ends up being a definition of happiness in some cases. In this case, the quote from Eleanor Roosevelt makes us pause and ask a question about happiness. Is happiness truly the goal of life and if so how do we realise it?

Great minds discuss ideas – Eleanor Roosevelt

Great minds discuss ideas, Average minds discuss events, Small minds discuss people - Eleanor Roosevelt's Quotes

Great minds discuss ideas: It is rather a powerful quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that reminds us of the temptation of gossip and talking about people. As tempting as it is to talk about other people, ideas are more powerful. It is these ideas that rule the world, make changes and question us. These ideas have a powerful way of becoming reality and changing our world. Unless we immerse ourselves in the beauty of these ideas, we’ll remain stuck in the pettiness of distractions.

Faith Is Taking The First Step When You Don’t See the whole staircase

martin luther king staircase quote, faith is taking the first step even when you don t see the whole staircase, mlk staircase quote, mlk faith is taking the first step,martin luther king jr staircase quote, martin luther king faith is taking the first step

Faith is taking the first step: Faith is a hard thing, right? It asks us to trust in something without seeing the results or proof of it working our way. Yet, we are expected to believe in it without adequate proof. Whether it is a question of religion, confidence or belief in our abilities, this question will remain the same. The answer however is not in having the results but the trust to make it work. And that’s precisely why faith is hard and so many of us lose it along the way. The truth is, sometimes it is important to lose this faith only to find a new one. Everything renews, including the definition of who we are, and what we trust and believe in.