Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others

Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting some on yourself, Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others, happiness quotes, happiness, happy quote, Inspirational quotes, motivational quote, inspiration, motivation, quote of the day, thought for the day, daily quote, inspiring, motivating, life, self improvement, personality development, life coaching, searching for happiness, be happy, happiness meaning, the art of happiness, happiness is, happiness is a choice, make me happy, chasing happiness,

This is a beautiful quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson about happiness and its beauty in sharing. I don’t quite know how many of us think of happiness as a conscious choice. Maybe we’re trained to believe that it happens in the background. Maybe there’s another angle to it.

This Too Shall Pass!

Written By: Deepali Joshi Adhikary This Too Shall Pass! There are many quotes and sentences that inspire us, cheer us up and make our success sweeter. However, there is one quote which does everything- THIS TOO SHALL PASS! For so many years, I have not found any other quote which has always-always made sense, irrespective of … Read more

Be The Millionaire of Your Happiness

Tania Luna: Be The Millionaire of Your Happiness Tania Luna tells you how a penny made her feel like a millionaire. Watching Tania speak is a pleasure. Her radiant face and her penny’s story can help you find your lost penny. And you never know you might turn into a millionaire. Tania Luna: Tania Luna is the … Read more

Yes I Came Last! – Competition!

It was my gym’s annual event. I went all prepared as if I was going to win the world. The event started late as per the Indian Stretchable Time, an hour late from the IST. You can’t blame them, it was a Sunday morning. Events started and I was the first one to participate from … Read more

Someone actually fell for me! – Embarrassing!

This incident happened a few days ago. My friend was set to meet a long time facebook friend. He had got in contact with her from a mutual friend for inquiring something. Both of them seemed interested in each other and decided to meet. As her vehicle was at service center she asked me to drop … Read more

You give and you get :)

Yesterday I went to the beauty parlour and after my grooming I paid the lady.  As always the most common problem was regarding the change she had to give me in return.  She searched for few minutes and said to get the change from the neighbouring shop. I went in search of it. I found … Read more

How to know the purpose of your life in 5 mins!

How to know the purpose of your life in 5 mins! Adam Leipzig: The CEO of Entertainment media partners, a theatre person, a former disney executive and also president of NGC talks about happiness, where it lies and how to identify the purpose of life. It doesn’t really take more than 5 mins to get … Read more

Where is this happiness?

The thought points to a conversation with my friend recently. We were talking about smiles and I have seen her smile so often and that smile so contagious that I decided to ask her the secret behind her smile and she says.“I smile because I don’t find a reason not to!”I get a little more … Read more

Should I be happy for others?

“I am happy for you” very familiar sentence, right?  But are we really?  Let me admit it. Sometimes I have pretended to be happy for others. How easy was it to say that sentence and it was always easy to hold on a little jealousy, a little envy or try comparing the lives and wondering … Read more