how to be happy

What It Is To Give Something To Someone

Ever wondered what it takes to give someone something wholeheartedly? Happiness, pleasure, satisfaction? I can go on with ten plus more words and try to describe the feel, but I am sure what it feels is much more than what the description says. Yesterday, I was invited for a dinner by a friend who recently […]

Be The Millionaire of Your Happiness

Tania Luna: Be The Millionaire of Your Happiness Tania Luna tells you how a penny made her feel like a millionaire. Watching Tania speak is a pleasure. Her radiant face and her penny’s story can help you find your lost penny. And you never know you might turn into a millionaire. Tania Luna: Tania Luna is the

That One Thing You Are Missing Out Of Your Life

That One Thing You Are Missing Out Of Your Life You have everything around you. A lovely family, friends, a good job and a happy life. What else do you need to be happy? No matter how happy you are, you would love to make your life happier. There is this little something from you

Where is this happiness?

The thought points to a conversation with my friend recently. We were talking about smiles and I have seen her smile so often and that smile so contagious that I decided to ask her the secret behind her smile and she says.“I smile because I don’t find a reason not to!”I get a little more

Look for happiness

Negative results or failures if I may rate them as are unnerving and disconcerting to say the least, And it so happens that it is quite easy to be caught up in things. Ever wonder that you are in a certain mood and everything around starts seeming the same – whether the positive or the

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