4 Distinct Factors of a Small Business Entrepreneurship

small business entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and small business management, entrepreneurship and small business, small entrepreneur, business owner entrepreneur, minority entrepreneurs, small business entrepreneurship meaning, small business entrepreneurship definition

Small business entrepreneurship: In this article, we will discuss the meaning of small business entrepreneurship, and the differences between a startup and a small business. In the later stages of the article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of small business ownership. If you are an entrepreneur, this might act as a guide about the type of business you need to create. It will raise the question of whether you’d need to create a small business or a startup. It all comes down to what you want to do with your idea.

How to Become a Startup Entrepreneur?

scalable startup entrepreneurship definition

How to become a startup entrepreneur?: If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re interested in starting your own business. Whether you’re fresh out of college, stuck in a dead-end job, or just looking for a change, becoming an entrepreneur can be a challenging but rewarding experience. Here are some tips on how to get started.

3 Key Traits of a Tech Entrepreneur for Success

Key Traits of a Tech Entrepreneur for success

A tech entrepreneur is someone who starts a business in the technology sector, aiming to solve a problem or meet a demand in a unique or innovative way. These entrepreneurs often lean on their tech-savvy skills and deep understanding of digital trends to navigate the competitive landscape of the tech industry.

Business Model Canvas for an Entrepreneur

business model canvas, business canvas, canvas model, business model canvas explained, business plan canvas, business model canvas definition

In this article, we will talk about the meaning and definition of a business model canvas. We will also talk about its need for an entreprenuer, tools to build a lean model canvas and main parts of it. While explaining these, we will discuss about why this is important for your startup idea. The main questions we will answer in this article are:

5 Key Differences Between Managers and Leaders

Differences between leaders and managers

Differences between managers and leaders: Although technically all roles can bring out leadership within them, it is important to differentiate between the purpose of leadership and managerial roles in an organisational context. The purpose of a leader is to provide direction, think of the future, and provide a vision for the organisation or a team. On the other hand, the manager’s job most often is to optimise the resources available to achieve the overall vision as desired. Usually, the managerial focus is on efficiency whereas effectiveness is a leadership question.

4 Key Differences between Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship

Image showing the difference and comparison between entrepreneur and entrepreneurship

Differences between Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship: These terms are used interchangeably and possibly for the right reasons. I find it hard to differentiate between the two because they are closely interlinked. However, these terms are used differently. Entrepreneur is person-centric whereas entrepreneurship is business-centric.

Entrepreneurial Operating System Framework for startup

entrepreneurship, business, management, EOS, entrepreneurial operating system

Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS): An Entrepreneurial operating system represents the foundational elements of a business for a founder. We are aware of some of the terms as Business Modle Canvas, business plan, pitch deck etc. They represent the strategic side of a business. However, while you do the strategic work, the operational work cannot be compromised.

3 Main Differences Entrepreneur vs Manager

Differences Between Manager and Entrepreneur in a table format to explain who is a manager and who is an entrepreneur and what they do

Entrepreneur Vs manager: No matter what people say, these two are completely different skillsets. At times, a manager might display the characteristics of an entrepreneur and vice versa. However, the roles, their expectations and purpose are completely different. They are expected to take on different persona and the corresponding characteristics are different. As an entrepreneur, I gravitate more towards the definition of an entrepreneur and at times can sound harsh about a manager. But the roles are highly important and enable success in an organisation.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others – Mahatma Gandhi 

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others - Mahatma Gandhi quotes and meaning

This quote by Mahatma Gandhi talks about the social aspect of serving others and the personal aspect of finding your purpose. Finding purpose is a difficult question and many guides and coaches are working on it, it sometimes feels like a lost cause. Most guidance we receive about finding ourselves tends to be generic and unhelpful.

4 areas of Difference between Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur

Difference between entrepreneur and intrapreneur summary and explanation of these differences and similarities

Difference between entrepreneur and intrapreneur: They both sound similar but are fundamentally different considering the environment they work in. We all know that both entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs take risks. They both risk putting their idea in front, investing time and energy to create something new.