Failure is a detour, not a dead end street – Zig Zaglar

Failure is a detour, not a dead end street - Zig Zaglar quote on failure

Most times, we curse our failures as the worst thing that could have happened. If we look back at all the worst things that have happened in our lives, I’m sure they’ve all led you to where you are today. Some of these failures have been so powerful that they’ve gone on to define the wonderful life that we lead today.

The Power of Failure Vs Shame of Losing

Power of Failure: It felt very nice to come across this lovely ted talk today by Simone Giertz about performance anxiety and the importance of failure. This is a powerful speech about the normalisation of failure and developing ourselves to ensure continual growth and increased capabilities for success. Today, I would like to talk about the … Read more

5 Practical Tips – How To Stop Feeling Like A Failure

How to stop feeling like a failure: Success and failure – two big terms coined long ago continue to affect our lives on a daily basis. Before I delve into the question of how to stop feeling like a failure, I’d like to ask you to define what failure and success mean to you. Both … Read more

Main Advantages and Challenges on Why work for a startup

Although it sounds very sexy, the answer to the question – of why work for a startup need not be simple. You’ll be investing the most important resource – your time and emotions at the prime of your career. It sounds amazing and cool to work for a startup, but it has its challenges too.

Time Management: 10 Tricks For Absolute Time Mastery

Time Management PPT, Slides on time management, time management tips

Time management is one of the most common topics with a huge impact on your everyday life. In this article, we talk about a few tips on how best to manage this time to give you the best results. Most of us have a similar experience with time – there is never enough of it. … Read more

6 Must-Have areas in business plan for startup

Business plan for startup: No matter what stage your business is in, the business plan is one of the most important assets. Looking back at my startup fundraising days – I can recall the number of times investors asked us multiple questions on it. Considering that it is the best asset you have as an entrepreneur, … Read more

How to use time effectively – 5 Key Tips

How to use time effectively? This is a detailed article about using the time to give the best results you want. Naturally, time is one of the scarcest resources. Also, time is the one thing that is distributed uniformly across all people in this world! Not all of us are born with the same riches, … Read more

Time To Live: What Is The First Thing That Comes To Your Mind?

time to live, life is now, challenges in life, everyday life problems and solutions, inspiration for everyday life

Time to live – living in the present vs being bogged down by the pressures of everyday life. What stops us from relishing life on a daily basis?

8 Time Management Skills to Increase Productivity

Reflection on key time management skills which enable us to focus on the things that matter the most to us and steer away from distractions. Ultimately our time must serve us rather than adding or creating pressure on a consistent basis.