You gain strength courage and confidence by every experience

You gain strength courage and confidence by every experience: Courage and confidence don’t come to us easily. They come with a lot of hard work and effort. Each experience we face adds to this build-up of courage that shapes our confidence and approach to fear. I love the motivation in this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that asks us to look at these experiences with more depth and respect. So easily, we ignore these experiences and focus on the final result. If it is a success we rejoice. But, we suffer if it is a failure. But, we don’t do enough justice to sit and reflect on these experiences and how they are building us up.

Confidence comes from multiple experiences. It is not about success or failure, but about how we build it up over time. Building confidence can seem like a hard task. But, it can be done in a seamless and continuous manner. You gain strength courage and confidence by every step you take. These steps define and create you as a person. Ultimately, they will lead you to the path of your destiny. Let’s not ignore them and disrespect them by not spending time or emotions on them.

You gain strength courage and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face

Confidence and fear are often the two most common excuses when we take up something new. How can we have confidence in something that we haven’t done before? We get confidence from the results and completing a few things. We gain strength, courage and confidence through experiences. The same is true for wisdom – wisdom comes from experience.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face - Eleanor Roosevelt's Quotes
You gain strength courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face – Eleanor Roosevelt’s Quotes

The quote – you gain strength courage and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face – is telling us not to get stuck in the complex world of reasons which prevent us from doing something. Instead, find a way to motivate yourself beyond fear, and find strength and courage to do things. Let the results of these actions motivate you to do more, gain more confidence, and take on additional experiences. Life is too short to lament and create excuses. They will not give the same joy as doing something.

You gain strength courage and confidence by every experience

We don’t complete things because of the confidence we have in them. The most important thing about confidence is the conviction that we will work hard and find a way out for what we want. Our experiences are the only saviours. They will guide us through life, telling us what to do at each step. The experiences create wisdom, causing better decisions for the future.

Stop to look fear in the face

This statement says it all. We ought to face our fears to move forward in life. Our fears hold us back and prevent us from taking the next steps where necessary. They block us from taking action, make us doubt ourselves and hence result in inaction. Naturally, this inaction means the loss of a goal or a dream. The number one thing to do is to stop and look at fear in the face. It is about facing these fears and showing how tough we can be.

You gain strength courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face

Eleanor Roosevelt


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