Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it

Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it: A beautiful quote by William Penn to define and defend doing the right thing. This is often the most challenging and sad thing that the good people don’t always have the courage to do the right thing. The simplest reason might be confidence, but the other complex reasons include social ostracisation and a sense of belonging.

No matter what our reasons are, we ought to stop and question ourselves – Am I doing the right thing? We might not always be able to, but the greater failure is in not questioning our actions. It is easy to turn a blind eye, but if we’re sacrificing our standards, we’re on a slippery slope of sacrificing our values and personality. You can see where I am going with this.

Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it meaning

The meaning of ‘wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it’ is explored in three parts. Ultimately we all want to do the right thing and uphold the moral standards of our lives. Amidst all our rationalisation and justification, there is a small voice within us that questions and disturbs us asking – Am I doing the right thing.

Don’t follow the crowd

Going against the crowd takes work, conviction and confidence. But the crowd can be wrong and it can make us do the mistakes. But just because everyone is doing it, this can’t be right. We ought to make sure that we listen to our values and do what’s right for us. It is difficult to be ourselves, but what other choice do we have?

We will be responsible both for our actions and inactions. The status quo dictates that we don’t do anything about things that are uncomfortable with the fear that it might pose some challenges. To be honest, it is easy to follow the crowd – what is hard is to stand up for our beliefs and morals.

Doing the right thing

It is not easy to do the right thing. Sometimes, it is confusing because the bad things also appear as the right ones. We must listen to the inner voice about our values. These values tell us who we are, our purpose in life and define what the right thing is. This little voice is the one which helps us identify, define and work on the right things. So, even when we see resistance, avoid the lure of wrong things and do the right one.

Can’t do right for wrong quotes

Some other prominent quotes which follow a similar theme as can’t do right for wrong are captured below.

The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it – Robert H. Schuller.

It takes nothing to join the crowd, it takes everything to stand aloneHans F Hansen

It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible but also for what we do not do – John Baptiste Moliere

Sometimes it is better to lose and do the right thing than to win and do the wrong thing – Tony Blair

With integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide. With integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt – Zig Ziglar

In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing – Theodore Roosevelt (Source)

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Vinay Nagaraju

Product Director with 10+ years in leadership roles - team building, product strategy, coaching and mentoring are a part of my everyday responsibilities. I write about motivational words that inspire us and shape our thinking and help us go beyond these thoughts to find what our minds are telling us and evolve.

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