Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it!

Wrong is wrong! – A beautiful slice of motivation from The Success Club as I was looking through my Instagram feed today. These motivational words of the day are a message towards being respectful to your thoughts and values. In this article, we discuss the power of believing in your thoughts, listening to your emotions. Most importantly, I’d like to talk about the importance of listening to your gut and strengthening it further.

Meaning of Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it

So often, we are easily swayed by our peer group. Whether it is about picking the right career path or stream of study. Sometimes, this extends to personal relationships too. We give too much importance to the opinions and thoughts of others instead of ourselves.

It is a funny thing! Everyone has an opinion about your life and they all will try to impose that on you. How do you react in such a situation? What is the meaning of wrong is wrong – even if everyone is doing it?

Put your thinking hat on! The most important question I’d like to ask is – Does a majority of people believing in something make it right? I’d only like to talk about the personal, emotional space in this instance. Who aside from you has the power or influence to change your mind?

How to strengthen your belief system?

The central part of this quote is about strengthening your belief system. Our minds have a very strong sense of right and wrong. There is usually a message our emotions are trying to send us. Unfortunately, most people ignore it because it is masked by people around us There are numerous challenges about being yourself.

Everyone around you seems to have an opinion about how you should lead your life. Better yet, they will have a problem with some of the things you do which will have no impact on them at all. In other words, it is none of their business. Yet, that doesn’t stop people from giving you free advice. If you are ever in such a situation, look through the 6 types of people who don’t deserve your stories from Brene Brown.

Everything in this section boils down to understanding your values and belief system. More than anything else, the message is about identifying your values and standing by them.

Challenges to hold on to your beliefs

I can name numerous challenges to hold on to your beliefs. There will be people who will be waiting to say – I told you so! And we’re wired to prevent mistakes more than the wiring to be adventurous and face resounding success.

If you spend your whole life trying to avoid mistakes, you will make the biggest mistake ever! Life is meaningless if you don’t have the opportunity to make and own your mistakes. These are brilliant opportunities to try something new and learn from it. Instead of using these opportunities, if you keep listening to the herd, what chance do you have to make a difference?

Common challenges to hold on to your beliefs are:

  • Peer Pressure
  • Social isolation
  • Being treated as weird and ignored
  • Attacked for having a different opinion

Each time you respond to these scenarios, you let a part of yourself chip away. Isn’t it the biggest sacrifice you can imagine if this happens?

Summary and Conclusion: Wrong is wrong – even if everyone is doing it!

Not everyone can stop and think of the consequences. It doesn’t need to be you. You can be different if you choose to. Instead of falling into the same trap which thousands of people fall into, you can ask yourself – is this what I want?

Most importantly ask – why am I doing this? If the answer is related to anyone other than you – then you are headed in the wrong direction. Any decisions valuable for your life must be self-driven. You have to make the choice. And that’s the best part about respecting to be yourself.

Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it, Right is right – even if no one is doing it!

The Success Club ( Source)

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