When you feel like quitting: I think this is one quote that I can relate to quite strongly, especially whenever I think of all those goals which took quite an effort to come true. If we look back at all of those big things we have achieved so far in life, I am sure there is this one thought that would have crossed our minds – about quitting the whole process.
When you think about quitting, think about why you started in the first place
I have had it during my study days when I felt the subjects were too tough, or the days when my job felt very annoying and the days when I wondered if my entrepreneurial effort was going to succeed or not.
When you feel like quitting Think about why you started
I guess that is the beauty of things and I remember the quote from Randy Pausch quite vividly here when he says – “The brick walls are there for a reason“. And I think nothing could be truer than that. And of course, the challenges we are after are not simple, they are not easy and of course, they need a lot of effort. It is natural that we feel like quitting when things don’t work for us. But what defines the right time?
But whenever we feel like quitting, it shows that we are tired of waiting or things are not happening as we hope. At these moments, it is very hard to find motivation to persevere and continue. But these are strong moments of decision where change can happen. Dig deep, and find out your reasons for starting – they will help you understand what to do next.
Think about why you started
When we are on these long, arduous journeys, there sure are times when things get really tough and there is a question at the back of our mind which keeps asking – “Is this all worth it? What if this entire thing goes a waste? There has been so much hard work I have put in, what about that?”. In other words, does it lead you to – when you feel like quitting?
These are very important thoughts, the ones which we cannot push away or neglect, the ones which decide our next move. But each time I look at this quote, it makes me think again about the various steps I went through before committing to a process.
Quotes about quitting
Quotes about quitting can offer perspectives on the complex decision of whether to persevere or let go. They remind us that quitting doesn’t always signify failure, but rather a choice to redirect our energy and focus towards more fulfilling endeavours. Some quotes highlight the importance of resilience and determination, urging us to stay committed to our goals even when faced with obstacles.
Others emphasise the value of self-awareness and the ability to recognise when it’s time to change course. Ultimately, quotes about quitting encourage us to assess our situations honestly, consider our priorities and passions, and make decisions that align with our long-term growth and happiness. They remind us that quitting can sometimes be a brave and transformative act that opens doors to new opportunities and personal growth.
Quotes about quittingWinners never quit, and quitters never win – Vince Lombardi
It’s always too early to quit – Norman Vincent Peale
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts – Winston Churchill
The moment you’re ready to quit is usually the moment right before the miracle happens – Unknown
Fall seven times, stand up eight – Japanese Proverb
Quitting is never an option on the road to success. Find the way forward. If you have a positive mindset and are willing to persevere, there is little that is beyond your reach – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
When you feel like quitting, think about why you started – Unknown
The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces – Will Rogers
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will – Vince Lombardi
Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about – Winston Churchill
Perseverance when things are not working
I understand how painful it is to get back on track and work with enthusiasm when things are not working in our favour. There is a constant question at the back of our mind whether it is time we should consider quitting it all and choose the easier life.
And there is another set of questions in mind telling us about all our Idols and asking if they quit. Then again I realise motivation has to run deeper than that. There is only a limited amount of it which we can derive from the environment and people around us, the rest has to come from within. Particularly when you feel like quitting, it demands a much higher strength to keep going and pushing through.
And the best way to find motivation is to ask that question – “WHY” – the reason why we do what we do, what motivated us, what are our reasons and what it makes us feel when we achieve our goal. It is one thought which will make our will stronger and help us persevere better.
Managing perseverance amidst failures
One important message to remember is that success cannot be a singular goal. You ought to define it as a journey in order to be able to build from one success to another. It also helps you to look at failures as a feedback opportunity. This will enable you to form a continuous learning loop with growth as the largest goal. It not only helps you get better through the process but also builds a habit that you can carry through life.

Of course, none of it is ever going to be easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is. Quitting in itself is not bad, but knowing and clearly taking a decision takes your conviction. You can build that by gradually coaching yourself for success. Go back to your reasons for why you started something – this is where your motivation lies. Make sure that you keep building the reasons list for that’s the only way to keep your motivation alive.
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It is easy to give up but very difficult to start again, so better be in the rhythm and continue trying 😊
Very true Alok, I have been there, it becomes twice as hard to restart than starting something afresh, especially when we have lost that momentum. And I think it is also to do with motivation, it is sometimes easier to start it off afresh and make giant strides than restarting again
“Why”question is the best solution for so many problems. If we ask ourselves WHY in a correct moment, so many unavoidable things may be corrected. Your style of explanation with the quote is really appreciable.
Thank you Thiruvenkatam, nice to have you here. I think the WHY makes a lot of difference when we are doing something, it is a very good cushion to call back on to and a very strong long term motivation. And I realise the WHY is mostly to do with our internal values and goals which can be well integrated into the short term goals through different ways of HOW and wollah we are on a better path to achieve the results we are after..
perseverance is not just one long goal, it is multiple small ones…..Loved these lines. Meaningful and profound.
Thank you Deepali, the entire credit goes to Walter Elliot for these powerful words – https://inspire99.com/perseverance-not-long-race-many-short-ones-together-walter-elliot/
The reason I like this quote is because of the practicality it offers us. It doesn’t say people should have Iron will, It doesn’t say come what may I will go ahead and do what I want. It talks about HOW which most quotes do not refer to and hence makes a very special one in the collection I have. But yeah, very profound and meaningful words to work our ways..
As a writer/blogger, sometimes the long period of blank pages makes me want to give up, to quit, but then I remind myself why I began writing in the first place and I know right then that I could never give up the joy and peace I feel when I pour my heart into paper and ink :-) Great post Vinay.
I believe it is one thing which most of us bloggers relate to Jyothi. There are those constant lull periods where we feel like not writing at all and it feels like the whole creativity has gone away and nothing seems to come. It is really nice to remember why we started because it gives us the much needed inspiration to continue.
It kept happening to me with my entrepreneurial effort about 5 years ago. All the times I felt I should stop, the question WHY really helped focus my energies to the bigger cause. I think it becomes especially effective when the goal is longer term one where results take longer time to come our way..
sometimes its very hard to hold on when every time you are left with bare hand despite the honest effort….but as there is a poem which says…REST IF YOU MUST BUT DON’T YOU QUIT..
and i think after so much of time devotion there shouldn’t arise any ques. of quitting..
I could not agree more Winnie. Sometimes it is very very hard to hold on. I think that will be a wonderful poem to share. Could you please share the link or the poetry, I am sure our readers would love reading that.
True, after a lot of effort a question of whether doing it or not shouldn’t arise. That is sort of the place I am in right now. After having built a business over the last 5 years, I am thinking what to do next. One part of me says stay with the business and make it big. The other part of me says it is time to do something more exciting. So I am not completely sure what to do next and how to go from here. Mind sometimes plays a very tricky role, especially when it comes to decision making I think..
Vinay here is the poem…..I have made this poem my Mobile home display :)
Poet – John Greenleaf Whittier
When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.
Life is strange with its twists and turns
As every one of us sometimes learns
And many a failure comes about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow—
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out—
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell just how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit—
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit
Thank you so much for sharing the poem Mayuresh :). It is absolutely beautiful and now I see why it is on your mobile screen and the home display. It is beautiful to read such words, especially when you are feeling a bit low. Words sure have the power to resurface some very powerful emotions and set our thoughts in the right direction.
Can’t thank you enough for the share Mayuresh.. So glad that our readers would be able to see such quality material.
Waiting…for awesome article for beautiful poem….:)
Thank you Mayuresh, I will work on it soon and have a post ready and this one will be dedicated for you :)
Thank You!!!…I am overwhelmed
The pleasure is all mine my friend :)
so true, yah we should ask the question “Why”.
it really hurts when a long term effort got waste, mostly our tenacity is responsible…
I like the word Tenacity Jyotirmoy, that along with resilience. For me it always creates the image of being in a fight where we know that one punch can make a difference. Kinda like the Rocky Balboa quote we talked about a few days ago, such a powerful message, such a great feeling to be getting back on our life and taking charge of things.. And yea the question WHY makes the biggest difference in all I think. Atleast that is where things have worked for.
Some others say the question why not works for them. I think I am more driven by resilience than optimism.. But yeah, here is a link to our readers just in case they want to check out the Rocky Balboa one on perspiration.