When everything seems to be going against you: Beautiful words of inspiration by Henry Ford talking about our attitude to challenges and finding motivation amidst our strongest challenges. This quote not only questions our approach but also fills us with a bit of hope about the future.
A failure need not be equated to death. It is after all an outcome that we’re not happy about. Our approach to these outcomes largely defines how quickly we can get back on track. Through this discussion, I hope I’d be able to tease you and maybe even infuriate you into a few actions. Ultimately, we want our life to move ahead and motivation for that is a powerful boost. Hope this article provides a nudge in that direction. You’ll find the full collection of Henry Ford quotes here.
When everything seems to be going against you Meaning
This is a beautiful quote by Henry Ford about responding to challenges in life. Our attitude plays one of the most important roles in defining who we are and what we become. The meaning of this quote is in two parts – our attitude to failures and finding the courage to fight amidst the hardest challenges.

Although they seem separate, this two tie together well to provide a cumulative meaning to this quote and its influence on our motivation. Ultimately, the purpose of this quote like most is to motivate us into action. But, sheer action will not give us the solution – it needs to be balanced with a strategy. That’s precisely what we talk about while exploring the meaning of when everything seems to be going against you.
Roadblocks in your path:
These are as common as sunrise and sunset. At times, when the going gets tough, small challenges manifest as scary monsters. It is tough, let’s face it. But there’s also a question of how tough can you be towards these challenges. I’m not suggesting that we ignore our challenges and feel the brunt of overwhelming.
Figure out a way to fight this overwhelming feeling and get the calm stature that can help you solve the problems. The quote just says that you can find a solution even in the darkest times. The truth however is that only you can do it. And maybe that’s the best part too. Instead of worrying sick about all the problems together, break it down into bite-sized parts. Isolate individual problems and define what you can learn from them.
How big is the problem/Opportunity:
We can’t solve a cumulative problem with a single action. A cumulative issue demands multiple solutions. The good news is that we can solve our problems. This is more of a question of strategy than luck or purpose etc. No large problem is an isolated one. Success/failure always leaves clues. Dig deeper to understand where your challenges lie. Identify everything that has contributed to your challenges. It might be hurtful but you need to do it for your own sake.
Be true and honest – this is not the time to be kind to yourself. It is fine even if some of these problems hurt your ego. If you want to solve problems, it can happen only through challenges. Remember – an aeroplane takes off against the wind! Avoid the overwhelm and figure out how best you can attack your challenges.
Meaning of when everything seems to be going against you:
Think creatively, identify your source of problems and motivation. The same problem cannot be solved if you keep feeling sorry about yourself. Recognise your challenges and define how you can succeed amidst them.
Delays are not denials. Even when things don’t go the way we want, we get feedback. It is up to us to define how we use this feedback. If we’re too worried and concerned about how these mistakes make you feel – we don’t have time to work on the desired outcome. Find a way to be objective and be brutal with yourself at times. These words of motivation from Henry Ford are powerful, the essence is not just to motivate you but to tell you that failures and feedback are common. Only you get to define what it means and how to use it best.
And that’s really the meaning of when everything seems to be going against you – remember that the aeroplane takes off against the wind.
The airplane takes off against the wind not with it
Metaphorically, this is just about the challenges in our life. Our life happens both amidst challenges and successes. We might need a thick skin or a different way of looking at problems. Either way, problems are always around us. You’ve got to find a way to use these problems to your advantage.
The biggest challenges shape the best part about us. This can be about resilience, perseverance or grit. Whatever is the right piece of motivation, it will demand you to continue working and pushing forward amidst challenges. Perhaps this is the best way to pay our respect to Henry Ford’s quote –
When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the aeroplane takes off against the wind, not with it.
Henry Ford
Don’t let the challenges bog you down or make you feel weak. Life happens every minute with or without our choice. Time is the most precious resource you’ll ever have! Don’t waste it on things that won’t benefit you. Everything plays a role in creating your journey. Sometimes, these distractions/troubles or challenges make you stop and question your approach. And that’s a great thing. As long as your purpose is not shaken, everything else is a mere modification to your strategy.
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Very nice post :)
Thank you Shruti, nice to hear from you 👍