Whatever you do may seem insignificant: There’s no such thing as a small job. We must do this because how we do it sometimes matters more than just the what. If you look at it from an external perspective, we can argue that all jobs are menial. It is only when we compare what we do to someone else, that the question of worth comes into play. Each job or work has its significance, value and importance in its own right. The world cannot function without each of us playing our roles.
Having said this, I understand that we ought to find relevance and significance in what we do. The first step is in finding this meaning in ‘How we do something’ rather than what. This way, you move the focus from an external dependence to something internal. This also helps you to be in charge of what satisfies you. If you let the environment decide – then you’ll be lost if you lose this role.
Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it
It is natural to lose the motivation in the things that we do. At such times, we will start questioning the value of what we do. This will also seem insignificant, thus raising the question of why we do something. (Dealing with the lack of purpose) It may be that you don’t have an answer. Or perhaps you’re finding a better definition of it. This quote from Gandhi talks about the importance of doing something with due diligence. It is hard work, especially when we lose trust in something. But sometimes, the best thing we can do is to keep our heads down and keep doing this thing. Everything has its place in the world and connects.

And perhaps you ought to ask a different question. This thing about the importance of a job is purely about serving our ego. If a job feels great, highly respected – it boosts the ego and makes us feel better. The same definition can be extended to social jobs because it makes us feel better that we are contributing to the world. The main purpose of a job however is to get things done. How we do it – whether we put our complete focus, create value in doing so and help others in the process etc – these are the questions that have long-lasting effects.
In case you’re caught up in the question of the significance of something, maybe it is time to take a pause and ask if that question is important or relevant. In the bigger picture, everything we do might just be insignificant. And if it is only a self or ego-serving question, then there are better ways to move away from it and do something really valuable.
Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it
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