Don’t assume school will prepare you for life

Don’t assume school will prepare you for life: It’s a common belief that school is supposed to prepare us for life. We are taught to be the best, score the highest marks, get into the top engineering or medical colleges, and secure jobs at MNCs. But is that all there is to life?

Looking back at all our school toppers and what they are doing today, it makes one wonder if we were made to believe in the wrong ideals while growing up. It was all about being a topper, scoring the highest marks, and then securing a seat in a prestigious college. But what happens after that? The focus then shifts to getting a well-paying job, slogging like hell while people back home brag about the brands where a core company would never be heard of, and the only distinction that could be made was the salary.

Don’t assume school will prepare you for life

It’s a question that many of us have pondered over- what made us study so hard and end up in the rank list, and what was the outcome of that? We did end up in good companies and showed off great brands, but the question sure was starking – what next? Did we have to study so much just to be this? Especially when we get to see so many people for whom things worked out better even with lower scores.

“Don’t assume school will prepare you for life, it doesn’t-it prepares you to follow rules, get good grades and slot into a pre-packaged position so you can work to make someone else rich

Richest man in Babylon

Perhaps, the focus was always on the wrong things, while life skills were something else entirely. We were taught to be jealous of each other’s marks and ranks, but is that what really matters in life? After getting a job, the jealousy never stopped – it was about the guy getting a fatter paycheck and the best part was that his score was much lesser. This makes one wonder if we were lost and focusing on the wrong things all along.

Some say yes, and some say no. But the truth is, it’s a little bit of both. While good marks and ranks may open doors for us, they don’t guarantee success in life. Life is full of challenges that require skills beyond academic knowledge – skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication. It’s important to realize that these skills are just as important, if not more, than academic success.

In conclusion, it’s important to remember that school can only prepare us so much for life. While academic excellence is important, it’s equally important to develop life skills that will help us navigate the challenges of the real world. So, don’t assume that schools will prepare you for life – it’s up to you to take charge and learn what you need to succeed.

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7 thoughts on “Don’t assume school will prepare you for life”

  1. where money be involved .. it has to be impure.Education is an industry today. books sell for profits and less for knowledge . well .. your point in the post is worth a thought.. where is this education taking us in reality ? competition , hatred , failure, success .. every emotion we learn .. but knowledge.

    • Thanks mate :) ..

      I think it has been a skewed view of education, it is a lot more to personality building than the mere text books which rarely take us there. Makes me wonder how ready we are when we call ourselves educated and are out trying to weave a life together. Your point on books being more of a sale than creating difference definitely encourages a thought.

        • Fair point my friend. One facet of richness although directly points to the notes, I think it does involve a lot more undertones. Granted that the book and the context are both in the money facet, like you mentioned knowledge and more so the application certainly takes the forefront.

    • That’s true Vijay, I think there is a lot more to knowledge than mere books and marks, a lot lot more to life. Thank you for sharing your thoughts Vijay, always great to be a part of thought exchange :)


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