Appreciation can make a day even change a life!

Appreciation can make a day even change a life: A beautiful quote on appreciation, thankfulness and its impact on our life. In this article, we will interpret the meaning of this quote for an essay on appreciation and perspective. Being thankful is known to be one of the most complicated but seemingly easy skills. The perspective from this quote is a strong starting point for us to generate this habit of gratitude.

Appreciation can make a day, even change a life meaning

Appreciation means recognising the good things in our life. It can represent our opportunities, challenges and avenues for our growth. It is hard to maintain this perspective, especially amidst challenges and difficulties in our everyday life. This quote by Margaret Cousins asks us to think about the perspective of thankfulness.

Will our life change significantly if we appreciate the things that we have or don’t? I love this quote on happiness which talks about appreciation in this light

Happy people focus on what they have, focus on what you have, happiness quote, happiness is focus on what you have
Happy People Focus On What They Have, Unhappy People Focus On What Is Missing”

The quote however doesn’t mean that we ignore the things that are wrong in our life. The central theme of this quote is around finding a balance and being true. Most times, sadness has a way of making life all about it. We have to find a way to step out of this sadness and gain the overall perspective. It helps us to think critically and ask the question – what can I be truly thankful about at this point in time?

What do we gain by appreciating our situation or challenges?

Our life has so many things on a daily basis. Being so busy, we often forget the small things that add so much richness to our life. Appreciation doesn’t mean that we lie to ourselves or tell positive things so that we don’t feel bad. That’s a horrible form of motivation and it doesn’t last.

Appreciation can make a day even change a life, your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary - Margaret cousins quote for inspiration
Appreciation can make a day even change a life, your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary – Margaret cousins quote for inspiration

Appreciation on the other hand is about being true to ourselves and acknowledging both the challenges and opportunities that we have. Most importantly, we don’t let our mind tell us a lie that life is awful or paint a rosy picture.

Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary

Margaret Cousins

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