what do you do when people disrespect you?

Will smith quotes on people, Quote analysis will smith, success and failure quotes, motivational quotes on society, inspirational quotes on society, life quotes how to face negative comments

People are perhaps the most inspiring and the most annoying parts of the society. I never seem to come to an unequivocal stand there. Sometimes I feel they are the best in the world, with the innocence, the amazing smiles, the camaraderie.

Almost very instantly I find myself debating the negatives like the selfishness, the petty egos, the immodesty, larger than life image and so on.. I guess any society we are in, we shall always have these beautiful yet annoying structures around us.

But there certainly is a beauty in this. Treated the right way and in the right proportion, there could be nothing better in this world!

If we are talking about the negatives, people will irritate us, try to mould us into their definitions of an ideal man or a woman and the definitions keep varying, not just from person to person but with the same person from time to time. There never seems to be a consistent advice on that front. Well either so, they keep doing that. They make us feel sad, annoyed, irritated, angry, vilified and what not. They make us feel all sort of things and they make us hate them in every possible way.

But wait a minute, if they are doing all that, what are we doing? At the time we are harbouring hatred towards them, what are we doing? What is our thought process in this process? How does our mind feel when we feel these, where do our thoughts circle when we think of them like this, how do our emotions react? Are these emotions of respect or are these emotions the ones which make us grow or the ones which make us get in touch with the petty side of ourselves?

Are we letting it consume us? That’s all Will Smith is saying. People will say the darnest things, it is in your domain whether you let it affect you. You may either hit back and fight but that’s not going to calm your emotions, it may make you feel better for the moment but that doesn’t solve anything. The question is can we do the bigger thing, can we just look at them and smile and find a better way to answer, not for their sake but our very own!

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Vinay Nagaraju

Product Director with 10+ years in leadership roles - team building, product strategy, coaching and mentoring are a part of my everyday responsibilities. I write about motivational words that inspire us and shape our thinking and help us go beyond these thoughts to find what our minds are telling us and evolve.

This Post Has 11 Comments

    1. Vinay Nagaraju

      :) ..

      Thank you for stopping by and the comment Maniparna, always a great feeling to hear from a fellow writer :)

  1. Pratik Kirve

    Yes, I agree with you. We must focus our energy on doing our thing than wasting it in answering them..

    1. Vinay Nagaraju

      :) cheers to that! It certainly is a drain on energy, not many people are worth that much of attention :)

    1. Namrata Kumari

      I am inspired. This is what i face everyday. As you said I have seen people who have allowed me to learn and get better and also those who disrespect. I think from now onwards, I would try that my heart doesn’t get consumed in anger and protest. :)

      1. suraj

        ya its us who can avoid,none else.

      2. Vinay Nagaraju

        Thank you Namrata. I believe it is one of the best compliments to hear :). So glad to know that the article inspired :) :) .. I think it is a very natural thing for us to get angry and try to get back at them. But of late I somehow feel that it is a drain on energy and those people don’t deserve it at all. I mean why bother spending so much of emotions on those who rarely bother to listen or make sense of it. And even if they listen they stick to their own dogmatic point cos they want to! Sorta tires me out :D.. Helps to steer clear off them :)

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