We are what we wish to become

Quote Analysis, rationalizing failures, success, motivation, inspiration, life quotes, we are what we want to be

Past is a beautiful thing, it has shaped us all along, taught us a few lessons some very exciting, some quite painful and some reflective and a lot more in its journey with us.

Above all, it has shaped us, made us the beautiful people we are today. And whether things could have been better or not is a different debate altogether, things can always be better cant they? ;)

However I have also heard people say, including me that I am not able to do something and I give a host of reasons and rationalizations, some more justifiable than the others and unfortunately a lot of them seem to relate to the past. I

cannot do this particular thing since I had something similar in the past and it didn’t work in my favour, or the environment I was born in was negative, or maybe my peer group always held me at ridicule and I could never perform, my parents never approved of what I tried to do and hence I cannot do this. I guess the reasons can keep going on for a bit.

But the question is – HOW TRUE IS IT? And even if it is, is it the reason what we give to not doing something. There are always a lot of things that have happened to us, some challenging, some daunting, some which have left us shaken. But that doesn’t really define who we are does it?

Isn’t the real question who are what we want to become? Isn’t the beauty of things about striving and making the quality of our lives extraordinary. I guess there will always be reasons as to why, and there will also always be reason as to why not. Maybe the differentiating factor would be which line we would be willing to side upon

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