We Are All In The Gutter but some of us are looking at the stars

We are all in the gutter: An Oscar Wilde quote talking about dealing with hardships and challenges in life. Life isn’t always easy – there will be hard times testing our resolve and grit. At such moments of despair – we have two choices. One is to feel sorry for ourselves and overwhelmed by challenges. The other is to look up to hope, dreams and passion to find inspiration. Both choices demand your attention and conscious action. That’s really the theme of this quote’s meaning.

Life’s challenges and hardships are common. They alone will not define who you can become. Problems alone don’t define who we are. But what we decide to do about problems – This is where the true magic happens!

We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars – Meaning

This is such a beautiful quote about looking beyond our problems. In this instance, our problem refers to the gutter. It shows the limitations and challenges we face regularly. However, these problems don’t have to define us. We can go beyond them and let our fight define who we are. This fight talks about the human spirit, and the ability to find solutions even in the toughest situations. We will make mistakes in the process and it will be hard. But this fight will get us out of the gutter and start thinking about the stars.

Do what you can with what you have –Theodore Roosevelt

we are all in the gutter quote and meaning, we are all in the gutter, looking at the stars quote meaning, oscar wilde gutter quote and meaning
“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” – Oscar Wilde

Don’t dwell in the gutter!: The best way to get out of difficulty is by doing something about it. Overcoming failure starts with a mindset. This applies to unhappiness and the feeling of being in a gutter. Your worst nightmare would be about thinking about why this happened to you. The past is only feedback about something that’s gone wrong. You can’t afford to dwell in the past or in the gutter!

Looking beyond the gutter: This is where you’ll find the trick! The true meaning of this quote – We Are All In The Gutter but some of us are looking at the stars – lies in focusing back on your dreams. You dreamt of something for a reason. Your dreams are powerful! They can carve a path to take you out of misery as well.

Looking at the stars

Life is about looking forward and not backward. We have to look at the stars, and create solutions with hope. Without hope, we will create new problems and challenges. Our mindset should help us solve our problems and make us focus beyond these challenges. This is akin to some of us looking at the stars. These stars tell us what to do and how to shape our life.

Let’s take the learning route because the other one asks us to quit which I don’t like. The most important point is that our lives are continuously growing and evolving. We may take a break and feel sad. Ultimately, we ought to take control of our life’s outcome. We ought to learn to look at the stars- i.e the vision and the ultimate goal instead of only the problems.

The problems will help us prepare but they should not distract you from taking the first step. Your vision in life is led by its reasons, THE WHY! Once you have answered that, the HOW is merely strategy. Don’t confuse your strategy for your dream or vision. We might have problems, but our solutions lie in our vision and tenacity to act on them.

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”

– Oscar Wilde

Looking beyond problems quotes

Our problems and challenges are consistent companions – they will accompany us wherever we go. However, we can choose whether we are reduced by them. Although it hurts, sometimes, the best thing to do is stand tall and focus on the big picture. These problems are worth facing to achieve your wider goals. We can think of them as a necessary evil, but looking beyond problems is where we see our success.

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Difficulties in life don’t come to destroy you, but to help you realise your potential – Abdul Kalam inspirational quotes

A few looking beyond problems quotes for you to think of your success path-

Success is achieved twice, once in the mind and the second time in the real world – Azim Premji

The path from dreams to success does exist, have the courage and perseverance to achieve it – Kalpana Chawla

Oh yes the past can hurt, but you can either learn from it or run away from it – Lion King

Where there is no vision, there is no hope – George Washington

Too many people go through life complaining about their problems, if you take one-tenth the energy and focus it on solving the problem, you’d be surprised how well things work out – Randy Pausch

Problems are the gifts that make us dig out and figure out who we are, what we’re made for, and what we’re responsible to give back to life – Tony Robbins

There are no big problems, there are just a lot of little problems – Henry Ford

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10 thoughts on “We Are All In The Gutter but some of us are looking at the stars”

  1. The quotations are sparks of wonder, with the seductive texture and the rich lightness of flavor of a fresh croissant. Your explanatory commentary is entirely too sincere and too much in earnest. The final result is like a croissant made from whole-wheat flour: It has nutritional ingredients baked with care and good intentions; but it is too ponderous for anyone to try again.

    • Thank you Somali. I loved this too, such a spectacle right? Oscar Wilde sure has a way of putting across his thoughts. And hope could not have been put in a much better way :)

    • Thank you Datta :). I do agree that all of us have our own share of problems and we would love to solve them. The attitude alone is not going to make the entire difference, but it sure is gonna take us there, very very close :)


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