Ultimately Life Is All About How We Treat People Day In And Day Out, Not When … How We Treat People Quote

how we treat people quote

“Because ultimately this is what life is all about:how we treat people day in and day out, not just when a special occasion rolls around”

– Terri Cole

We have always emphasized the importance of people, how we talk to them, what we talk to them about and how we interact with them. Few days ago we wrote a post on How To Become Genuinely Interested In people” and what we gain from it and how it amplifies the quality of our lives. It is no wonder that people skills are so highly rated, especially when we go up to the management roles in a company.

Identify the difference between a person in the top management and a person in the lower management talking with people. You can identify a lot of difference in the way they communicate. The senior management shows a greater respect for people and connects with them better since they know how important human resource is and hence try to maintain it at the best possible mindset. The idea of management has changed and people need to be treated like people – not just like the cogs in a machine.

And as we have always known – any greatness or behavior is measured by its consistency. It is not sufficient to be good just once in a blue moon. Even if you are great and make the best offering, it will be viewed with suspicion since it appears as incongruent with your character. People are smart, don’t take them for fools and don’t think they can be manipulated by any techniques available in any of those self help books.

The purpose of any conversation matters. People are smart enough to identify if you are building a conversation for the sake of a favor in return. Instead show that you can be more personal, show that you can be a human being and not just a human doing. Let your complete personality come into picture.

If you say that you are not a people person and you do not know how – then learn! It is not rocket science, it is just about being sensitive to other people and the challenges they go through. It is not just enough to do once or twice, you need to show who you are and consistency is the only way. A random act of kindness is great and people will appreciate you for that. But for TRUST, you need to take it a notch higher. No one is ever going to trust your once in a while behavioral change. It has to be more than that, it has to matter and you have to show that you really care.

Listen to people, talk to them, see what they mean and what they go through. Be there for them at the time of need, show how trust worthy you can be. There are so few people out there in the world doing that.

Every act of kindness will be greatly appreciated and goes a long way in building the relationship.

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1 thought on “Ultimately Life Is All About How We Treat People Day In And Day Out, Not When … How We Treat People Quote”

  1. Thank you Lata. It really means a lot to see such wonderful words. I have really enjoyed writing and I realize that it has gotten a bit easier these days to write and more enjoyavle too. And these comments make it all worthwhile :)


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