Just because somebody gets an A in college doesn’t make him the greatest man…

I have always been a part of the educational system where marks have mattered the most in life for me. While in school it was about topping the class and making it to the honor roll. The highest marks was to get into the best college around. Once that was done , the struggle continued … Read more

Compliments… No Wonder I smiled :) !

I was on my regular walking tour with few guests yesterday morning. I was in the market with all the hustle bustle around, I was walking through a vegetables lane, I pass by a vegetable seller and he signals at me calling “Madam..” I turn back thinking he is trying to sell something , he … Read more

In an era of instant gratification, we settle for shorter trees, but remember patience has its reward

“My wife and I have built a new home with a lovely garden which houses lovely bamboo trees. I got reading on the Chinese bamboo and learned that the tree takes 5 years, 3 months to grow to its whole height of 80 feet. Yet, for the first 5 years, you only see a tiny … Read more

Quotes from the movie “Patch Adams”

Here is a few set of quotes which we thought we’d pick as amongst the best based on their undertones. You treat a disease, you win, you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you, you’ll win, no matter what the outcome. More often than not, it has been taught to us in a profession … Read more

The Dreams, The Goals and The ROADBLOCKS!

From the time I saw this picture, I have been an absolute fan of the message it conveys in such a simplistic, yet effective manner. There are always a whole set of dreams, goals, and aspirations to reach out to and there are always the pitfalls, something to lure us and deviate us from what … Read more

Proof of Failure!!

It is always a nice feeling to talk to people who have a bunch of ideas and want to make things happen. I was talking to my friend yesterday and as a part of the conversation he came up with this phrase – “Proof of failure”. His exact words were  “ I want to try this new … Read more

The technicality to decision making!!

Calvin seems to have a fair grasp on the decision making. There are too many parameters involved, too many options and too many outcomes. It kinda makes things very hard. There are two terms which management defines- Information overload and information shortage. Both of them play a fair role in decision making.   Calvin here … Read more

The technicality of motivation

The technicality of motivation  Interesting to see how topics turn up. I was talking to my frien today about motivation and how to keep oneself in an inspired state of mind when the common perception is that it is the worst phase. He drew out a beautiful analogy to support a very cogent argument. As a … Read more

There were 6 who wanted to start, 3 of them are dead now!”

“There were 6 of my friends who wanted to start an alumni meet, 3 of them are dead now!” I was a part of the Alumni meet at our college- SJCE yesterday. It was a nice event to see so many people turn up and especially the ones of the 80, 90’s batches. This one … Read more