This category is all about inspirational quotes and powerful words for our everyday lives. Sometimes, I touted them as thought for the day. But these quotes have a powerful way of shaping our thoughts. It is a collection of ideas, powerful words from famous personalities that continue to inspire us. Most of these quotes are specific to the day and time when they occurred. But they carry a strong message to this day and help us frame our worldview.
We have so many lessons to learn from these wonderful people. The inspirational quotes act as a way of providing a window to their lives and our own. The purpose of these quotes is to make us question ourselves, pause, think and reflect. Ultimately, these quotes must inspire us, question and point us in the right direction. The meaning of these quotes goes well beyond the words into emotions and the actions that we take
Life should be great rather than long - Ambedkar Quotes
Life should be great rather than long: It emphasizes the idea that one should focus on making the most out of the time we have. It encourages us to prioritize happiness, fulfilment, and personal growth over a prolonged existence. Ultimately, the quote reminds us to live with purpose and to make every moment count, rather than just aimlessly going through the motions of life.
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel - Maya Angelou
People will forget what you said: This article is a short debate on the meaning of Maya Angelou's quote, People will forget what you said. This quote can be used in the context of networking, relationship building or being empathetic to people. Most often communication is misquoted to be about words. The danger however is that people forget that communication is with a purpose. If you're too focused on delivery, then you miss its impact.
If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude
- Maya Angelou
If you don't like something change it - a powerful quote by Maya Angelou, asking us to relook at our circumstances and life in general. It is easy to get carried away by outcomes and feel sad, but we ought to break free from a learned helplessness - it is our life and we ought to find a way to control its outcomes.
I’ve learned that even when I have pains, I don’t have to be one. - Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou I've learned is a beautiful poem with powerful quotes on human kindness, love and compassion. This article is an excerpt from - I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one - Maya Angelou
Courage to trust love maya angelou
Have courage to trust love: Love is hard, painful and yet beautiful. We simply can't live without it but there are times when it feels like we can't live with…
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. –Plato
Who said Everyone you meet is fighting a battle? Among multiple attributions to Ian Maclaren, Robin Williams and Plato, we understand the importance of kindness and empathy in this quote to connect with people around us
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all - Helen Keller
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing: This is one of the most popular quotes by Helen Keller. This quote talks about the myth of security. Through this quote, Helen Keller asks us to take a bold approach to facing risks and bold challenges. Sometimes, we fear losing what we have when we try to take risks. However, the only way to keep moving forward is to take these risks and push life forward.
On the account of 68th Independence Day, we thought we would revise a little from your history classes. We bring you out the 10 inspiring independence heroes who changed the face…
Ambedkar Quotes
This article is a collection of powerful Ambedbkar Quotes to make you rethink life, motivation and personal aspiration. Most of these quotes focus on your internal inspiration using Ambedkar motivational quotes as a guide for these thoughts.
Don’t read success stories, you will only get a message, Read failure stories, you will get some ideas - APJ Abdul Kalam success quotes
Don't read success stories: This is perhaps my favourite quote by Abdul Kalam that packs a sense of reality into the romantic world of success. Most motivational quotes we read…