Success is not final, failure is not fatal – Winston Churchill

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts - Winston Churchill quotes

Success is a beautiful feeling. Nothing comes close to the sense of accomplishment of your goals. It is a statement of your victory, a testament to your efforts and the glory in achieving them. Failure however is not fun, but its not the worst thing in the world!

Only I can change My Life, No one can do it for me

only I can change my life, self belief quotes, carol burnett quote, change life quote

Many times, particularly when things feel hard, we tend to blame the circumstances or people around us. Although a part of it might be true, we must ask the question so what? And this is the answer you’ll get for the so what question. Most often, the question – why does this happen to me feels us with sympathy, helplessness and blame. None of these help you find the solution. There’s only one person who can help you with this and that’s yourself.

Price is what you pay Value is what you get – Warren Buffet

price is what you pay, value is what you get, warren buffet price vs value quote, Warren Buffett quotes, price vs. value, investing, value investing, long-term investing, financial philosophy, decision-making, quality products, reputation, customer loyalty

Price is what you pay Value is what you get: We all know and admire Warren Buffet for his business skill and wit. This quote from Warren Buffet talks about the concept of price and value. Most times we are trained to think that an expensive item is of good or high quality. However, this might not always be the case. This quote exposes the most common myth about the market. Although price can be an indicator of quality, it is not always the case. Clever marketers exploit this perception of buyers and price products accordingly. Hence, as a buyer, we must always be sharp and look for the value of a product or service.

Dreams transform into thoughts and result in action

Dreams transform into thoughts and they result in action - Quotes by APJ abdul kalam on dreams

Dreams transform into thoughts: This is such a beautiful quote about dreams by Abdul Kalam. Ever since I read his book, Wings of Fire, I’ve fallen in love with his thoughts about dreams. These quotes are usually followed by their powerful companions – perseverance and hard work. As we talk about Kalam’s quote on dreams transforming into thoughts and actions, let’s try and explore the meaning of this quote and its relevance in today’s world.

Don’t Let Yesterday Take Up Too Much Of Today!

yesterday taking too much of today, regrets quote, motivational quotes, inspirational quotes, quote, will rogers, quote of the day, quote meaning

Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today, meaning: This quote is all about regrets and moving forward in life. Although we’re aware of quotes that say live life without regrets, I believe regrets are valuable. Yesterday is a beautiful reality that keeps telling us something. It is feedback to use for our future and move ahead with life. Yes, we shouldn’t dwell in the past. By that, I mean don’t worry about what has happened – worry about how to move forward from it.

I don’t believe in taking right decisions – Ratan Tata

I don’t believe in taking right decisions, I take decisions and then make them right - Ratan Tata

I don’t believe in taking right decisions: A fabulous inspirational quote by Ratan Tata talks about decisions in life and how we sometimes can get hung up in the notion of perfection. No decision will ever be perfect, we will always have something or the other to lose. The main point to remember in decision-making is the affordable loss. And most times, we don’t consider time lost in making decisions.

Until The Lion Learns How To Write, Every Story Will Glorify The Hunter

quote of the day, inspirational quotes, meaningful quotes, inspire99 quotes

Until the lion learns how to write: History is always written by the winner. Whether it is the hunter or the winner of wars – the story that sells the most is the one by the winner. If you think of this logically, the winner will always hold sway in telling the story. If the winner is powerful enough, then the stories that are written by the loser will be destroyed. In other words – the winner’s words hold more value than the victim’s. Or atleast that used to be the case before the world of social media.

Either you run the day or the day runs you – Jim Rohn

Either you run the day or the day runs you - Jim Rohn Quote

Either you run the day or the day runs you: Take control, lead the day. This is in short what the quote is telling us to do. However, we all know how hard sometimes things are. We just have to follow the motions and get through the day. Although we may never be able to follow this quote to the letter, I like the principle of this quote. The main point for me is that when the day runs us, we get busy and lose track of things. This is exactly how the most important things in our life take a backseat. Because we are so busy responding to the demands of the day, we don’t have time to do what’s important for us.

14 Abdul Kalam Quotes for inspiration to follow your dreams

abdul kalam quotes, abdul kalam inspiration, abdul kalam motivation, apj abdul kalam quotes on life

Abdul Kalam Inspirational Quotes: I’ve always loved the words of inspiration from Abdul Kalam. They have a sense of unbridled optimism in them. There’s a force that says, I will brave all the odds and reach my destiny. It not only fills me with hope but also inspires me to get out of the self-pity and do something about my situation.

What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while

What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while quote from the happiness project and its meaning

I started reading this book, The Happiness Project in the quest to find my source of inspiration or passion for life. It is as if I’m on a mad rush to find my connection to something that makes me feel completely involved and either give me a sense of purpose or a feeling of satisfaction. The quest however continues, but I did fall in love with this quote – what you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while. We are creatures of our habits and these habits have a way of shaping us. It is a funny thing. Initially, we need to actively shape these habits. But over time, these habits have the beautiful way of shaping us completely.