Importance of Role Model on Self Development

Much of what you become in life depends on whom you choose to admire and copy. Warren Buffet Much of today’s inspiration is on the importance of role model in your life. This article touches on the impact of choosing the right role model for you and highlights the necessary consciousness to choose one. Before … Read more

6 People Who Don’t Deserve Your Stories – Brene Brown

6 People who don't deserve your stories, people who don't deserve your stories, don't open up with everyone, being selective about people, brene brown about people, brene brown ted talks

This article is about 6 types of people who don’t deserve your stories. We all have a story of success, failure, pain and joy to share. However, not all people deserve these stories. In fact, we have to make sure that our inner circle is made of people with whom we maintain a high level … Read more

To be yourself in a world that’s trying to make you into someone else

to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is a great accomplishment - Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes on being yourself, managing noise around you and creating your own path in life

I love the simplicity of this quote. Each time I read this quote, I find a pause that makes me think. This pause is mostly about figuring out what this means to me. And the same about understanding what this quote means and how it makes us rethink where we are. The key questions are: Who am I, what do I want and what’s the type of person that I’d like to be? You see so many beautiful complexities here. In this article, we’re trying to explore the different meanings this quote can take and make us think about

The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in determination

The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in determination, difference between possible and impossible quote, determination quote, daily quote, quote of the day, inspirational quote, motivational quote, impossible quote

This quote is all about the power of determination and perseverance in life. Determination has often won over the capability of mere skill without hard work. It is this determination which has created wonders in the world and helped people create history. As we stand in front of this quote, we ask ourselves about the … Read more

You Can’t Judge People Because They Sin Differently Than You!

You cant judge people, judging people, judging others, judging others quotes, inspirational quotes, judging others definition, judging personality

It happens unconsciously, yet a powerful way of massaging our own ego. It is scary if we try to understand the reasons why we try to do this. Hence, a powerful reminder about judging people because if we keep judging them, we have very little time to love them.

I Feel Useless, dealing with thoughts of worthlessness

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I feel useless: Have you ever been in this situation where you question your worth and contribution to the world? I know I have! Although a part of my brain says it is false – another part indulges in this thought process of feeling useless and worthless. In this article, we talk about the motivation of feeling useless, some inspirational feeling useless quotes and what to do if you ever feel useless.

Do Not Judge me By My Successes, Judge By Failures

Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again

Meaning of Do Not Judge me by my Successes – Success has a bad habit of painting a rosy picture. And somehow we belong to a culture where failures are brutally criticised and successes hailed to glory. However, at the core of it – these are merely outcomes. The successes manifest as favourable ones while the failures don’t. Ultimately both success and failure have a message for us.

Don’t be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again!

Don't be embarrassed by your failures, Richard Branson failures quote, startup quotes failure, Every failure or feedback is a message, startup quotes, entrepreneurship quotes, richard branson quote, shame of failure, learning from failure, failure quotes, failure inspiration, failure is an opportunity to learn

Failures are hard to deal with. It is worse when you start worrying about your emotional connections to an outcome. The results will do enough to hurt us and make us feel sad. If we start worrying about letting ourselves or others down and move into the rabbit hole of an emotional conundrum, there’s no hope for success.

Freedom isn’t worth having unless its The Freedom To Make Mistakes

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Freedom to make mistakes: I love this quote by Mahatma Gandhi – Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. In this article, we talk about freedom in your own personal/individual life. Freedom is reflective of choices and the ability to define the path of our lives. In this article, we discuss what these choices mean, mistakes and how well we take ownership of these choices. Ultimately, the freedom to make mistakes is ours to own completely. If these mistakes help us grow and achieve our dreams, then I’d argue that these are the most important things in your life.

Wisdom Comes From experience – Terry Pratchett

wisdom comes from experience, wisdom and experience quote, wisdom quote and meaning, wisdom and experience quote and meaning

Wisdom Comes from Experience: This quote represents a certain amount of irony but I cannot find a truer one for the quote of the day section today. I’ve often debated this thought in my head about experience vs wisdom. I hate making mistakes – particularly the ones that have a negative impact on me. Even with that, I can look back at my experiences and can see quite a few of them which are great learning experiences!