Quotes 101 – Inspirational thoughts for Success

This category consists of articles that talk about quotes, their interpretation and analysis. Some thoughts are around the value of these quotes in our everyday life while others end up questioning them. Ultimately, these quotes influence and shape our lives daily, but this is an opportunity to pause and reflect on their meaning and influence on us

price is what you pay, value is what you get, warren buffet price vs value quote, Warren Buffett quotes, price vs. value, investing, value investing, long-term investing, financial philosophy, decision-making, quality products, reputation, customer loyalty

Price is what you pay Value is what you get – Warren Buffet

This quote by Warren Buffett is one of his most famous. It highlights an important concept in investing: the difference between price and value. Price refers to what you pay for an asset, while value reflects the intrinsic worth of the asset. Value takes into account the asset’s underlying fundamentals, such as its earnings potential or management quality. Essentially, value helps determine whether an asset is overpriced in relation to its true worth.

Shame – We have to talk about Shame!

I love this talk by Brene Brown that talks about shame. The first time I heard this talk was when I wasn’t in a great place. It felt dark and challenging. As I was struggling for confidence, I listened to this and later picked up her book on vulnerability and shame. What’s beautiful is that

Life should be great rather than long - Powerful Ambedkar Quotes

Life should be great rather than long – Ambedkar

Life should be great rather than long: It emphasizes the idea that one should focus on making the most out of the time we have. It encourages us to prioritize happiness, fulfilment, and personal growth over a prolonged existence. Ultimately, the quote reminds us to live with purpose and to make every moment count, rather than just aimlessly going through the motions of life.

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Don’t Let Yesterday Take Up Too Much Of Today

Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today, meaning: This quote is all about regrets and moving forward in life. Although we’re aware of quotes that say live life without regrets, I believe regrets are valuable. Yesterday is a beautiful reality that keeps telling us something. It is feedback to use for our future and move ahead with life. Yes, we shouldn’t dwell in the past. By that, I mean don’t worry about what has happened – worry about how to move forward from it.

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel - Maya Angelou

People will forget what you said-Maya Angelou

People will forget what you said: This article is a short debate on the meaning of Maya Angelou’s quote, People will forget what you said. This quote can be used in the context of networking, relationship building or being empathetic to people. Most often communication is misquoted to be about words. The danger however is that people forget that communication is with a purpose. If you’re too focused on delivery, then you miss its impact.

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If you don’t like something Change it – Maya Angelou

If you don’t like something change it – a powerful quote by Maya Angelou, asking us to relook at our circumstances and life in general. It is easy to get carried away by outcomes and feel sad, but we ought to break free from a learned helplessness – it is our life and we ought to find a way to control its outcomes.

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