8 Time Management Skills to Increase Productivity

Reflection on key time management skills which enable us to focus on the things that matter the most to us and steer away from distractions. Ultimately our time must serve us rather than adding or creating pressure on a consistent basis.

Time Management is Life Management – Brief Analysis

Time management is life management, why is time management important, what is life management, time management work life balance

Time management is life management talks about two important aspects- productivity and identifying things that are most important in our life. It is a stark reminder not to major in minor things of life

7 Powerful Tips on Focus on being productive instead of busy

Focus on being productive instead of busy, being productive instead of busy, time management, being busy, how to be productive, productivity tips, how to be more efficient

Focus on being productive instead of busy – Discussion on how to be more productive. Being busy doesn’t mean that you’re productive. In fact, it is the opposite of productivity. It is our responsibility to make sure that we have time and energy for things that matter the most to us. If not, it is … Read more

7 Benefits of Angry Running in Emotional Management

Angry Running: It started off as a way to manage anger, but this led me to think about how to manage anger in general. In this article, we start talking about the importance of channelling your energy when angry. As you know anger is often portrayed as a destructive emotion. I would strongly oppose it … Read more

Top 7 Tips for a Powerful Mindset to Reach Your Goals

reach your goals, goals, achieve goals, achieve dreams

Reach your goals: A dream is one of the most fascinating gifts you can have. Even more powerful is the journey to reach your goals. One of the most common reasons which stand in the way of achieving our goals is the reasons we tell ourselves. This article is a dedication for the reasons we … Read more

Monitoring Employee Activities to achieve goals in a startup

Monitoring employee activities is never easy. I often question whether this is necessary. I recall – the first company I worked for had websites like Facebook, YouTube, etc. blocked. It was about 12 years ago, but I am shocked to find that some companies do that even now.   The result was that employees were trying … Read more

Password Manager Tools for a Startup – What suits you best?

Password Manager: It is horrible to try and remember passwords for every single website we have an account in. Quite honestly, I am now liking the sign in through google option. I really hope to come to a place of a single password and username I can remember.   Having worked in the cyber security segment … Read more

5 Key Remote Meeting Softwares to Investigate as a Startup

Remote Meeting It is no news that remote meeting /conference calls have become extremely necessary. I cannot over emphasize the importance of communication. Although sometimes, I feel that we do miss out a lot in remote meetings and conference calls. Perhaps this is the next best option we have for the time being.   For a … Read more

10 Tips to Improve Productivity in Writing Papers

We have an urge to start this article with some jibber-jabber about “why writing papers is important for students.” However, we stop ourselves and just directly move forward and show you how you can improve your productivity. Finally, if you have looked for this article online, you already know how important writing is.  #1. Dial … Read more

The COVID Shock and Impact on Contract Employments

It is no surprise COVID has impacted so many industries around us. Today’s question is around its impact on the recruitment industry. In particular, my focus would be on contract/fixed term employments. For many organizations, including startups the contract roles work very well. In my previous startup experience – we used these contracts to perform … Read more