6 Steps To Never Give Up In Life : How To Never Give Up

I found this fantastic brochure on staying alive on the pursuit of success in LIFE. I have really come across some very interesting stuff on the pursuit of motivation and leadership and a lot such similar sounding words but this is by far one of the best one I have come across. Why is it … Read more

6 Reasons For Personal Life In A Resume

Making A List I was recently updating my resume / CVand wondering what all could go in it. The fun thing about writing a resume / CVis that we can go back a few years of our lives and think of all the achievements we have made in our lives and present it in a form … Read more

10 Helpful Tips To Make Friends At Work Place

Well before we jump and start answering how we can make friends with people at the work place, especially when you are the newbie in the set up, lets try and answer WHY in the first place? I mean why on earth should I or you make an effort, try to introduce ourselves to people, … Read more

How do you respond to rejection?

I do agree that feeling rejected is one of the more awful emotions in the world and it sorta feels like the world is crumbling around us. It makes us question all sort of things and makes us feel a little peeved, irritated, annoyed, angry, hurt and so many other things. It also feels as … Read more

Work Stress: Boss Gives More Work Than I Can Handle

Work Stress: Boss Gives More Work Than I Can Handle One of the most usual occurrences in a work place are the work load, stress, night outs, over times, feeling burdened, and a lot more. Most people even talk about a nervous breakdown cos they are not able to handle the pressure. If you realize … Read more

How to face an embarrassing situation?

facing embarrassing situation, how to respond to embarrassment,

Well life never is the smoothest thing in the world is it? And things rarely happen the way we want them to. It is as if discomfort is facing us right in the eye and asking us what we will do. The natural response is – Avoid eye contact, head down, smile sheepishly, pray that … Read more

how to converse?

how to converse, how to communicate, talking to people, what to talk to people

Communication, exchange, thought ideas…. Where would we be without all of them? But everything has a start? And the question is how do we initiate a conversation. Here are a set of ideas that may help. What is the purpose of the conversation : Identify what you are trying to achieve through the conversation, whether … Read more

7 creative ways to face fear

Fears are perhaps one of the most natural feelings that we are going to have. Some of them drive us in the right direction, some weaken us, some make us question ourselves, most of all they make us force ourselves into action. If not, it is a fear which is misrepresented and a fear which … Read more

inspire99 : How to take decisions

how to take decisions, inspire99 how to, steps to decision making, take quick decision, act on decisions, publicize your decision

Here are a few steps that might aid the process of decision making. Decision by definition means cutting yourself off from the other options and focussing all the faculties on to this one mode and way to reach it. How best can we do it? Understand the situation : what the situation is demanding out of … Read more

10 Effective Strategies To Stop Overthinking

10 Silly Steps To Stop Overthinking Do you think you think a lot and suffer? Do you think if only you had control over the thoughts, life would have been so much simpler? Do you think you could have felt a lot better about yourself? What do we do to avoid something like this, how … Read more