
What are the Blocks to my Happiness?

A woman asked me recently, “What are the blocks to my happiness?” I said, “The Belief that you have blocks”. — Dr. Wayne Dyer Now the questions that come to my mind are What exactly are limitations? – If I may use synonyms for the same, I could go with shortcomings, hindrances, roadblocks, resistance and […]

Happiness is in giving

I was my way back to home, a two wheeler passes by me, and I saw a boy having chocolate and I was very tempted to have one. However, since it was already quite late, I couldn’t make a stop to pick one. Well I reach home, a little disappointed and with the hunger for

Denial Denial Denial !!!

Calvin always finds a way to get the thought process on a rubric and this time he manages to put it out through denial! What state do we live in? Denial !? – Naa I don’t think so. Is that a denial??? Well That gets me thinking!! It is so strange that knowingly or unknowingly

Why is FlipKart offering so many Discounts?!

From the past few weeks, if you have observed or have been a constant follower of FlipKart, one thing we can see is that there is a whole range of discount on the variety of products. That gets me thinking why so many discounts for an operation that is running so well, that too in

Bowling, Mysore

It had been a while since we had been bowling here. From the time PlanetX has been closed, bowling hasn’t seen much action with us, but somehow today, there was some mood for it and we headed out to the only option, Big Bowl, KD road. It was quite a crowded place, had to wait

Safety First!!!

  I saw this beautiful photograph at a place I recently visited. Undoubtedly this was something which caught my attention. The photograph took me back to the memories of a few years ago when I was deciding whether to quit my job or stay with it. It is not the easiest decision to make when

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