5 Books We Can Learn Something From

The written word provides one of the best ways to immerse yourself in inspiring messages and ideas. Since the beginning of time, humans have been sharing stories to help their fellow man cope with the daily trials and tribulations of life. Now, more than ever, there’s a whole catalog of insightful and motivational books on … Read more

Sex Scandals, Video Tapes and Women!

Written By: Preethi Ananthanarasimhan I remember It was about more than seven or eight years since a scandalous sex tape leak, I recently came across a picture on whatsapp making rounds which had the victim of the scandal in it getting on about her life- a casual picture with probably her colleagues or business clients. … Read more

5 Joys of Writing a Postcard

A Postcard! Writing as most bloggers agree is a thing of passion which unites all us bloggers. As I look at these postcards sitting on my desk, it brings a faint smile on my lips as I recall the good old days where birthdays meant that people would send you cards. These cards were never … Read more

Alcohol Keeps You Happy ~ With Statistical Proof!

Alcohol Keeps You Happy! The Effect of alcohol on people! Wow! What a topic to write on. I bet you are thinking that I am being incredibly audacious and rather stupid to make a claim like this. Trust me, I would feel the same too if I was reading an article which would say alcohol … Read more

Was Sachin The Right Goodwill Ambassador to Rio Olympics 2016?

Rio Olympics It is indeed a great honour to be a country’s goodwill ambassador, especially for the games as coveted as the olympics. The name Sachin has always meant a lot to the fans of cricket. Outside of that, it has also meant a lot for every Indian. Personally we have been huge fans of … Read more

Do Indians Give Unnecessary Importance To Temples And Rituals?

Indians and Rituals Indians spend too much time on rituals said an article and I didn’t really know whether I wanted to read more of it or not. For a country so wide, it becomes incredibly hard to generalise and quote a universal truth, it would be too immature of me to even think like … Read more

GAIL – A Venture To Strengthen Athletics in India

Athletics in India It would not be an understatement if we start with a statement that sports, especially athletics in India are under-appreciated. I still remember those days when I was participating in sports in my school and the choices were pretty limited – either join Volley Ball or Cricket. Of course having watched so … Read more

Zootopia: 5 Reasons To Watch it Today!

Welcome to the modern Mammal Metropolis Zootopia! :)If I could use one word to describe the movie, it’s “Happiness.” I usually don’t write movie reviews and Zootopia made me write today. If you are looking for the technicalities, sceptical reviews and accurate ratings for the movie, here is the link These are just the 5 absolute … Read more

Do Your Homework, Plan your child’s future

The moment someone says – #DoYourHomework, it takes me back to the good old school days where we had an assignment to prepare on. Our parents or the tuition teachers would go through them thoroughly and we would happily go back to class. All of this happened so seamlessly that it rarely gave us an opportunity … Read more