Tomorrow: A New beginning

tomorrow is a new day quotes, ralph waldo emerson quotes on the past, quotes about letting go of the past and moving forward, quote analysis, let go of the past to move on, I am constantly bothered by my past

Tomorrow is another day! No matter how many times I keep telling myself this, there always seems to be something of yesterday in the agenda for today! Call it procrastination, laziness, reality, anything you want, but it is definitely the truth.

I guess it is probably natural that there will always be a few things we postpone for the next day, but do we actually move on from the previous dusk?

I may be speaking a little metaphorically here, if we look back at our past, there will be some extraordinary things, things that we are incredibly proud of, things that we are passionate about and the accomplishments which make us gloat and feel happy about ourselves.

There shall also be things which make us feel a little embarrassed, a little shy, a little ashamed sometimes and also a little guilty as well. We all have made those blunders, and yesterday was a long time ago! The real thought is how we feel about them? Do we still feel bad about something that happened a long time ago upon which we have no control now.

Granted that we have grown over it and given a chance we would go back and set it all right. But don’t you think that was the entire purpose  of this blunder, the mistake? To just let you know that it is something which should not be done and  you would not be happy about it? Then don’t you think its purpose is served?

I don’t disagree with the tendency to feel sorry for a few things we have done, apologetic time and again maybe to ourselves or maybe to someone else. But charity does begin at home, the faster you forget things, the faster you realize that it was the past, it was a mistake and you shall never repeat it again, it is growth in its own sense.

We need to sometimes learn to release ourselves from the shackles of the past for today is our life and tomorrow is a fresher one. We somehow need to find a way to break free from the shackles of what’s holding us back in order to embrace what’s awaiting us.

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11 thoughts on “Tomorrow: A New beginning”

  1. The past can heavily weigh down on us…if we allow it to. To drag along the past only slows us down…been there, done that!! To each their problems are genuine and large. To step out of that past and move on is a cumbersome task and takes a lot of positive energy and the will to do it. But once its done…it is much easier…hope is good..we thrive on hope. nice post :)

    • So true Preethi, if we allow it, it can be the worst anchor right in the middle of the sea! Been there, done that – A perfect attitude I would say, the more we let it be a dampener, I realize that it keeps pulling us further down the abyss. And the moment you let go, it vanishes in thin air. Perhaps it is all in the mind! :)

    • Thank you Seeta, warm welcome to inspire99 :). True, I guess attitude is a choice and the best thing probably is to try and find a way that it serves us than the other way round.

  2. There are so many things in our past that we seem to cling to and carry it on to the future. We really need to remember that everyday is a new day and we should accept the past, learn from it and move to a better tomorrow.

    wonderful post!

    • Thank you Sakshi, nice to hear from you :).

      Past certainly is a great pointer, but I have always been amazed with the impact it has on our present and how it keeps us tangled no matter how much we try to break free. Although a great tutor, it does make us sweat :)

  3. Very true, for me every day is a new day, wake up in the morning and think about how you can make it a beautiful day for yourself and your loved ones.


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