Time isn’t the main thing, it’s the only thing – Miles Davis

Time isn’t the main thing: It’s all about the time that we have and sometimes the time that we don’t have. This quote talks about the special place time takes in our lives. It is the most precious resource that we will ever have and will constantly feel the shortage. This quote is a powerful reminder of how to place our time and make sure that we treat it with due care.

Time isn’t the main thing, it’s the only thing

– Miles Davis

Time isn’t the main thing, it’s the only thing Meaning

This quote reminds me of the words from Stephen Covey – The key is not about spending time but investing it. If not for time, we have nothing. Sometimes it is fascinating that we take this time for granted and waste it on things that don’t matter to us. This quote by Miles Davis brings our attention back to the time that we have and how busy we are to do all the things that we want to do in our lives. It tells us that we should be careful while frittering away this time on things that don’t matter to us.

Time isn’t the main thing, it’s the only thing - Miles Davis
Time isn’t the main thing, it’s the only thing – Miles Davis

It also raises another important point in the meaning of this quote. Time is not something to prioritise. By prioritisation, it means that we compare the things in our list and on a relative scale rate them against each other. Time however takes a higher precedence than that. It is something that we have to treat with extreme care and respect so that we don’t lose track of it. Hence the statement – time isn’t the main thing but the only thing. We are nothing without it. It is a non-negotiable that stands above everything else.

Time isn’t the main thing, it’s the only thing – Miles Davis

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12 thoughts on “Time isn’t the main thing, it’s the only thing – Miles Davis”

    • Enjoying life need time, this is correct, but it is also important to orgnise time as Vinay suggested. Thanks for the informative post. I will try to follow the rules and do better time management.

      • Thank you for the kind words Janson.I find motivation for time management extremely intriguing and very curious about how people approach it. Glad you found the post informative – it is of course only a view of thought. I am sure there are some nicer and more efficient ways to it. It certainly promises to be a great source of strength to be discovered :)

  1. Nice one there! I like the implication of the statement made by Tony Robbins. Being aware of the things we spend time on can have life-changing impact. This is easy to say but hard to follow- yet very powerful practise if implemented carefully!

    • Great to hear from you Jayasurya. I agree, more I write about these, I can see how challenging each one of these is to implement on a daily basis. The beauty of all of these lies in Mindfulness and being consciously aware of our thoughts, emotions and actions.

      I do agree – there is probably lesser truth and valuable output from training our minds. We are certainly better and far more refined than that. But to imagine if we are able to control and tune our thoughts into the things that can help us – the results can be pretty fascinating. On the outset, it sounds like a small thing, but then again that alludes me to another of Tony Robbins’ phrases – little things don’t mean a lot, they mean everything.

      All of this constantly makes me believe, there is so much potential within us which is waiting to be tapped. Just to imagine how these would unfold is magical :)


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