There is only one way to avoid criticism – Aristotle

Say Nothing Do Nothing Be Nothing: This phrase sums up the avoid criticism quotes by Aristotle. The only way to avoid criticism is by not being noticeable at all – doing nothing bold or what you truly believe in. Criticism sucks and it feels awful to be attacked. But you’ll notice that criticism is for things that challenge the traditional mindset or something which you truly believe in. Don’t they deserve a fight in spite of all the criticism it can attract?

What is criticism?

What is the meaning of criticism?: Criticism means disapproval for something you’ve done. Criticism is closely tied to mistakes and faults. Unfortunately, that immediately attracts a negative connotation because someone points out a mistake of yours.

However, criticism is a neutral word. It only expresses a different point of view. If the ultimate goal is to produce the best result, criticism can be brilliant at pointing out faults. This is an opportunity to correct mistakes and deliver optimal value. This meaning of criticism is on the basis that the parties involved are interested in the final goal.

The problem with criticism is when people use it as an opportunity to prove that they’re better than someone else. It is at these moments, I’ll redirect you to the debate: How to deal with criticism. The best way is to separate yourself from the situation and work. But it’s never easy!

There is only one way to avoid criticism Meaning

Beautiful words by Aristotle to add to the collection of – avoid criticism quotes. There is only one way to avoid criticism – be invisible! Don’t get in others’ way. i.e you become a ghost. Can you imagine a life like that? How horrible will that make you feel? If you end up being this, what will you do about your goals, dreams and passions?

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There is only one way to avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing and be nothing – Aristotle

The worst standard to have in life is to try and please everyone. Even worse is the desire to want to be perfect. Please read through – why perfection is bad to identify the perspective of perfection vs continuous improvement.

We’re usually driven by two schools of thought – Pain and Pleasure. Pleasure tells us to go after things, and reach our aspirations. It helps us identify our passions and strive for them fearlessly. This won’t mean that you’ll never reach any pain or face failures. But the joy you derive from this is so high that it will be worth all of it.

Pain however makes us think about all the awful things. It makes us worry about leaving our comfort zone and thinking of bad outcomes. Fear is a bigger driver than pleasure. The simplest decision is to realise that there is only one way to avoid criticism – avoiding all action! It is to be in a continuous state of status quo where you’ll never come into the limelight. But, be conscious however that it will come with its own losses of not being fair to your true potential.

Say nothing do nothing be nothing

This is ultimately the crux of Aristotle’s quote – there is only one way to avoid criticism. Anything you want to do will have an opposing line of thought. The most important question to ask is

  • How important is this for you?
  • Will you be happy if you don’t do it?
  • Is the criticism so important that you’re willing to sacrifice your quest?

The three questions will give you the best route forward. They will tell you whether you should take this criticism seriously or not. If the task is more important, then find a way to block out this noise.

After all, any feedback that doesn’t help you or challenge you is worthless. You can try to please everyone and make people happy and say nothing do nothing be nothing. But trust me, people will find fault with that too. After all, you’re not only responsible for what you do, but also for what you don’t do.

Avoid criticism quotes

I’d like to highlight a few inspirational – avoid criticism quotes. The star of this article is obviously Aristotle’s say nothing do nothing be nothing. You’ll find a few more in a similar respect.

Do what you feel is right

Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you’ll be criticized anyway. You’ll be damned if you and damned if you don’t

Eleanor Roosevelt

This quote is very similar to Aristotle’s quote do nothing say nothing and be nothing. You will be criticized no matter what. It is at least worth fighting for what you believe is right because there’s no way you can get away from these criticisms.

Praise Vs Criticism

The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism

Norman Vincent Peale

This quote on avoiding criticism takes a slightly different note. We’ve usually known criticism to be bad, but there’s no way you can get a full picture with people always telling you that you’re right. We don’t want to be right just to massage our egos. Complete growth is when we accept reality the way it is and decide to do something about it.

Most fools criticize and complain

Any fool can condemn, criticize and complain and most fools do

Benjamin Franklin

Criticism is easy because we don’t have to understand the complexity of either the work or emotions. But then again, talk is cheap – it is the actions that matter. Any fool can criticize and keep telling you that you’re wrong. We ought to understand how much of it is true, helpful and productive before taking it seriously.

Ambition Vs Criticism

Criticism is the price of ambition

Robin Sharma

This quote on criticism is in similar lines to Aristotle’s quote – there is only one way to avoid criticism. If you want to do something either new or bold, it will be subject to criticism. People are afraid of the things that they don’t know about. Naturally, this fills them with dread. But the trade-off is between your aspiration and your ego – it is all up to your own choices in life.

Say Nothing Do Nothing Be Nothing

There is only one way to avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing and be nothing


With this quote, I’d like to end this section on avoiding criticism quotes and the article because it sums up our discussion today. People like the status quo because you don’t have to think too much about it. But the status quo alone never created anything. If you want to do something new or bold, accept criticism and prepare for it. Don’t let your thoughts be bullied by these murmurs of criticism which won’t help you in any other way.

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4 thoughts on “There is only one way to avoid criticism – Aristotle”

  1. Hi Jayasurya, nice to hear from you my friend – trust things are going well with you.

    Thank you for this dimension, the response to criticism does define a lot about the next steps we can take. I hear you – there’s no way it can be avoided, it’s almost like – you’re doomed if you do and you’re doomed if you don’t. The end result is there will always be a fraction who will be unhappy. I suppose the key is to ensure that we don’t end up in that unhappy segment..

    Yes, constructive criticism- this a brilliant point Jayasurya, sometimes I feel that it is such a mental conditioning that almost always I tend to think – criticism is bad. But it is such a brilliant level of feedback, can help prevent a lot of troubles or problems which can be averted. I suppose it is never easy to separate out the noise from the gems of wisdom.

    Maybe a starting point for criticism is if we ask ourselves – why is the person saying what they’re saying , does this hell me in any way – if so, is there a way I can turn this around and make the most of my situation. It just propels the thought process in a wonderful new direction

  2. I guess here Aristotle is talking about how we should react if Criticism comes our way. While your argument deals about why criticism comes our way and how we can’t avoid it no matter what we do or don’t do.

    I guess criticism in the Aristotle’s quote carries negative connotation and it doesn’t include what we call “constructive criticism”. Although hard to do, not reacting to negative criticism is the best way to avoid further harsh reactions is what I believe backed by experience.


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