The story of Flipkart..

Sachin and Binny Bansal???

Ya you guessed it right! its the Flipkart Men, the ones who popularized online shopping in India and made it to a Billion $ company.

The twenty something Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal, two friends in 2007, quit their jobs at Amazon, faced the oppositions of their parents and turn into entrepreneurs. They started with an idea to built an online comparison engine but later formed an eCommerce company Flipkart. The journey was not easy, they put up 2 lakhs of investment each, It was a 10,000-a-month allowance from their parents for almost 18 months that helped the duo launch the website. For 10 days, the site did not see a single sale and then they had their first customer. They first started with an online bookstore and now sells products across categories like clothes and electronics.

Looking back to the days they said “We were not thinking about numbers then, but we knew something big can be built out of eCommerce ” that was the belief that held them so strong . “In March 2011 we announced by 2015 we wanted to hit $1 billion” in sales when they stood at just $10 million (roughly Rs. 61 crore), and today we have hit a run rate of $1 billion one year before our target” said the co-founders.

Well I guess most of us know the story. What I am amazed about is the journey. It is perhaps easier for us now to recognize them and appreciate what they have done. I want to try and imagine how they started it all and the range of emotions they would have gone through in making this happen. Only a few of these people would have gone through what it takes to make a story, a story of success, a journey to share. I would say it is a great thing to appreciate them and draw inspirations from them. I think we are in  a really lucky place where we can relate to people and their experiences and draw inspiration from the same.

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5 thoughts on “The story of Flipkart..”

  1. I am working for them .. Awesome Company and proud to be part of it.. It always feel me to proud working with them and seeing growth. Emotionally attach to flipkart as they have capability to show world that India has google/facebook/amazon of east and thats

    • They are an amazing bunch. The story inspires me everytime I read it and the guys have made a phenomenun and that too Cash on Delivery is something they innovated in such a beautiful way. Goes on to show how much trust works in the market :)


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