The secret of getting ahead: In this article, we’ll talk about the meaning of Mark Twain’s famous quote. It is similar to Walt Disney’s quote – The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. This quote is all about making a start to move forward. I’m also conscious that while making a start, there are some common problems such as planning for perfection, not having all details etc. In addition, there’s also the fear of what happens if things go wrong. Perhaps that’s where we need to dig deep into this quote and remind ourselves that the secret to getting ahead is to start. And progress beats perfection any day!
Meaning of The secret of getting ahead is getting started
Who said – the secret of getting ahead is getting started?
The credit for this quote goes to Mark Twain. Mark Twain is the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens – an American writer, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer. Some of his quotes continue to have a powerful influence on us. His most famous books include The adventures of Tom Sawyer, Adventures of huckleberry Finn – Source:
The meaning of this quote can be explained in the following themes. Each of these subheadings represent a theme of this quote.
Taking the first step is most important
Most of us tend to overthink a situation. The thought of what can go wrong can play havoc on our minds. Or, we’re worriedly comparing ourselves to others who have achieved something similar. Both of these are unhelpful situations since the most important thing for us to do is to start. Our reasons or rationalisations can sometimes get in the way of actions that can result in success.
A great idea doesn’t mean a great result
We’ve talked about this time and again. Executing a plan vs making a plan are two different things. Taking an action is usually harder than just making a plan. A plan can only give us an indication or strategy about what can happen. Only our actions can determine the reality that we’re after.
Procrastination is the thief of time
Postponing our actions postpones our results too. In some cases, it is even worse because we might have lost the time and opportunity to use the situation to our advantage. Procrastination may help sometimes, but can also be a huge distraction. If it is in the way of our results, we will need to find a way to fight procrastination.
Confidence to believe in your effort and abilities
We may not always have the confidence to push through and believe that we have the ability. But we can always believe in ourselves to push forward and create the results that we want. It is hard work. One of the best definitions of confidence I’ve read in the recent past is about confidence in our ability to work hard and create the reality that we want. We might not have all the skillsets, but we can believe in the ability to work and develop them.
The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks and starting on the first one.
Mark Twain
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